I feel like suffocation is imminent. I'm supposed to stay as un-stressed as humanly possible, considering I've been seizurlicious all the time. I just don't know how. At all. I'm taking more classes than I'm comfortable with (because otherwise, my parents won't pay for school), I have NO money, I'm having issues with the people in my life, my parents are freaking me out... I feel like someone is supposed to feel at 17. But at 23. What the fuck.
My therapist officially thinks that I shouldn't be enrolled in classes. Without classes, I have no health insurance. Without health insurance... Well... I don't want to be melodramatic, but I feel like that's it.
I can't remember anything. It is SO frustrating. I'm hurting my friends' feelings because they'll be venting about something and bring up something that we did together as a reference point, and I'll have no damn idea what they are talking about. Then they get all hurt in their eyeballs, and then be like "no, no, I understand" when I try and explain that I can't help it with the epilepsy stuff, but they're usually still upset. I've been going to UNCG for four years now, and I can't remember where the Graham building is. This is pathetic. I feel like crap.
Whine, whine, whine. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Moan, moan, moan.
I'm fucking lucky for the stuff I do have, but all I can do is be upset about they stuff that sucks. How do you force yourself to be a half-full kind of person? Being the half-empty kind fucking sucks and I'm sick of it.
Maybe I should stop listening to Death Cab and Joni so hard. I think that's just adding to my despair. Lookout, ELO, here I come.
I love you, f-list.