You've Got To Be Kidding Me

Apr 09, 2009 22:25

He feels the seizures coming on. The skin becomes hypersensitive; even the slightest breeze is painful, like there is electricity running over the surface. This is not a symptom I am familiar with. I must ask the pretty doctor about this.

I'm having work woes. I will defeat them, but they are irritating, and yet oddly amusing. We are expanding the facility. I started the expansion process officially in January. I finished this week. Truly, this is record time. However, this week I was pelted with the most irritating set-backs. To expand a mental health facility requires a few minor forays into bureaucratic red tape. One must have zoning clearance, which requires public hearing in front of planning commissions where the neighbors arrive with pitchforks and torches. This is truly enjoyable. Really. One then must get a permit to change the use, EVEN THOUGH NO ACTUAL BUILDING WORK WILL BE DONE. This is truly annoying. One has to keep explaining to the permit office that no work is being done. This does not stop them from asking for plans from your non-existent contractor to make sure the non-proposed work is up to the fire code. *facepalm* One then has to go through Community Care Licensing, also known as one of the circles of hell. One also has to have contract signed with the County, which has to go through the Board of Supervisors. And one has to then purchase, upgrade, repair, and hire the necessary resources to actually expand. I am responsible for all of that except the actual contract, which the central office is supposed to do (seeing how the CFO has to sign it and all). Sounds simple enough, yes?


Bear in mind that I am running the existent mental facility while this unfolds, which involves juggling suicidal, homicidal, manic, and Borderline clients.

Monday AM: double check the fire inspection, permits, hiring, building, repairing, etc so that licensing can do the final inspection tomorrow. Everything is fine.
Monday Night: Licensing calls to cancel because they haven't received the fire clearance. Huh?
Tuesday AM: Call fire department. Oh, you mean this form? Oops, we forgot to fax it. So sorry. Call Licensing. Form is on the way, reschedule for tomorrow. Permit office calls. There's no permit because fee hasn't been paid. Call CFO (stands for Chief Financial Officer for those who don't know, and the financial part of that is very key to this story). Inquire about fee for permit. Oh, you mean that fee? Can't you just write a check for that and we'll reimburse you later? Swearing ensues. Call permits back. Make appointment. Bring check, get permit. Beautiful. We're good to go. County calls. Hey, do y'all actually have a signed contract yet? Call CFO again. Ask about the contract, since that's the one element that ISN'T MY JOB. What contract? *headdesk* Remind about the on-going expansion with a budget of one million dollars that he might have vaguely heard about for the past few months. Oh, that contract. Um, lemme check. CFO calls me back. We don't have any contract here. More swearing. Much of that, actually. Call County. Find contract. Yes, it's signed. We're OK. Awesome. Call CFO again. All is well. Sending the hiring list.
Tuesday PM: CFO calls. He left one of the new positions out of the budget. Yells at me like that's my fault somehow. I yell back louder. I win. Leave a message for my boss (who is arriving back from vacation at this point).
Wednesday AM: Get a call from my boss. He just had screaming match with CFO. It's going to the CEO for resolution.
Wednesday PM: Get a call from my boss. There's no way to undo the budget error. We're hosed. Need to find 16K extra in the existing budget. MUCH SWEARING ENSUES on my part.
Wednesday Overnight: take existing budget, remove ridiculous BS items, trim down fat, re-write the frakkin' thing. Which still ISN'T MY JOB.
Thursday AM: Send new budget with extra 20K to my boss (cuz I'm that good). Suggest the CFO be fired and I take on his job as well. Would save even more money.
Friday: CEO will be making a decision. Cuz, the planned opening is Sunday.


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