Title: The Other Side of Us
random_nicRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: ATWT characters are the property of Telenext and CBS.
Word Count: 1685
Summary: Lives are changed in the wake of a traumatic event.
Reid burst into the ER’s waiting room, his heart banging full-force in his chest, powered by the fuel of abject terror. He nearly barreled into Luke’s parents, also just arriving. Lily made a beeline to Noah, who was sitting on the arm of a chair looking shell-shocked. “Where’s Luke? Is he all right? What happened?!” she demanded.
“I don’t know,” came the weak reply.
“I’ll find a doctor,” Holden offered. He knew the panicked Lily hadn’t meant to interrogate a traumatized Noah. They were all just grasping for answers, and terrified for Luke.
“I’m a doctor,” Reid interjected hotly. It was like none of them even acknowledged he was there. Or that he was a huge part of Luke’s life.
“Dr. Oliver, thank you,” Holden replied, ever the peacekeeper. “We appreciate anything you can do to find out what’s happening with Luke.” That settled, Reid wasted no time barging into the ER. He’d have done the same without the Snyders’ blessing.
Unfortunately, Reid was stopped almost immediately. Apparently, his reputation preceded him. “Dr. Oliver, you’ll have to return to the waiting area.” He pivoted to find a middle-aged female nurse preparing to do battle.
“The hell I do!” Reid turned back to continue searching for Luke, only to discover there were two large orderlies blocking his path. They moved towards him with the intent to escort him where they wanted him to go. As Reid failed to dodge the pair, and was pulled backwards by his elbows, the nurse said sympathetically, “The doctor will be out as soon as possible. They’re doing everything they can for your friend.”
“My boyfriend!” Reid shouted, then realized he was now standing back in the waiting room, with Luke’s parents and Luke’s… Noah all staring at him. He ripped his arms free of the men, muttering “idiots” as he shot the oafs his most scathing look.
Reid made his way to the chairs where Luke’s mother, father, and ex were waiting. For someone who never struggled for words, he bizarrely found himself at a loss now. He was incensed at his failure to gain any news on Luke, and startled when Holden Snyder placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“You tried. It’s better that the doctors concentrate on taking care of Luke, anyway; not updating us. They’ll talk to us when they can.”
Reid nodded without comment. Holden extended his free hand to indicate a chair for Reid to take. Reid plopped himself down, and only then realized he was sitting directly facing Noah. Perfect, he thought with frustration.
That is, until he took stock of the man. Noah was sitting rigidly, one arm draped around Lily to offer comfort. At first glance, he seemed calm, stoic, and strong. Somehow, Reid sensed it was an act.
It was Noah’s eyes. He was staring straight ahead, looking almost directly at Reid. But though his eyes practically met Reid’s, the doctor was sure Noah didn’t see him at all. Whatever Noah did see, it gave his eyes a look of utter desolation.
Noah knew something. Reid was sure of it. A thought occurred, and Reid questioned Noah, “why did you call me?”
At the silence that followed, Reid assumed Noah was so wrapped up in his own thoughts, he hadn’t heard the question. Finally, though, Noah answered, “I was listed as the emergency contact. I guess Luke didn’t remember to change it.”
Reid was Luke’s boyfriend, but Noah was his emergency contact? Reid knew Noah was right; it was just something Luke hadn’t thought of yet. Still, it burned. He didn’t need the reminder that Noah was important to Luke. Even knowing Luke was with him, Reid couldn’t stop the jealousy from welling up - a feeling that had been alien to him in personal relationships until Luke came along.
Reid wanted to question Noah further, but not in front of Luke’s parents. Noah had received the call about Luke’s accident, so if he looked decimated, he must think things were pretty bad. For the first time, Reid went from concern over Luke’s possible injuries to fear for Luke’s very survival.
No. He wouldn’t think like that. It was defeatist and weak. Damn Noah Mayer anyway for overreacting, and making Reid think matters were worse than they were. Not that Noah was outwardly reacting much at all; in fact, he continued to remain stone-faced and silent. Reid determined not to let Noah’s unsettling demeanor freak him out, too.
Suddenly, Holden stood from up from the chair beside Reid’s. He’d spotted a doctor coming out to talk to them. Reid stood, too, ready to lay into the guy if they weren’t taking excellent care of Luke.
When he’d gotten the call that Luke had been in an accident, Noah was already driving near the hospital. It had taken him mere minutes to arrive to the ER. Luke himself was wheeled in only moments later.
As the gurney carrying him whizzed past, Noah could see very little of Luke. His ex was surrounded by medical personnel, each wielding some device or other in frenzied attempts to revive him. The scene before Noah was nothing short of harrowing.
As the procession stopped briefly to turn the gurney towards some double doors, Noah flew to Luke’s side, reaching around a paramedic to lean close and take the unconscious man’s hand. “Luke. LUKE,” he implored into Luke’s ear. “Stay with me! You have to fight!” Noah kissed Luke’s face as the gurney began rolling away, and kept pace alongside it until an arm was gently placed upon his, signaling him to remain in the waiting room. He only had time to plead desperately, “Please Luke, I love you… I love you!” He watched dejectedly as the gurney was rolled through the ER doors and Luke disappeared from his sight.
Somehow, Noah managed to get enough of a grip on himself to call Luke’s parents. Holden answered immediately, and thankfully had Lily with him. They were nearby, and promised to arrive quickly.
As Noah put away his phone, he tried to settle the chaotic swirl of calamitous thoughts wreaking havoc in his mind. This was not happening. This could not be happening. Surely Noah must be having the worst nightmare of his life. It was the only acceptable option.
In the short time he’d had to react to the news, Noah had played out every possible scenario in his mind. Still, until seeing him, Noah hadn’t really believed that Luke could be seriously hurt, let alone gravely injured. Between them, they’d had plenty of trips to Memorial, and every time, each of them had recovered. Luke had even regained his ability to walk, and Noah had rebounded from losing his eyesight.
His eyesight. Shit. Noah needed to call Reid, something he’d rather not do under the best of circumstances. He retrieved his phone from his pocket and placed the call.
Now, Lily and Noah joined Holden and Reid in standing to hear what the doctor would say. Lily moved to Holden’s side, and he grasped her hand in his. Reid and Noah stood closely behind them, near enough to hear Luke’s prognosis.
Reid didn’t recognize the trauma surgeon who approached the group. He checked the name tag, but it didn’t ring a bell. Reid hated not knowing the credentials of the guy in charge of Luke’s care.
What he hated more, though, was the expression he found on the other doctor’s face. Reid knew that look. It was closed off; unrevealing. When doctors prepared to dispense hopeful news, they allowed the optimism to show in their faces, realizing it an emotional boost to the patient’s family. Reid had never seen the need for such coddling. If he had good news to share, he did it with the same clinical precision in which he dispensed the bad news.
Still, Reid knew he was the exception, not the norm. He hoped to God this man was a kindred spirit. Because otherwise, Luke was in serious trouble.
“Mr. and Mrs. Snyder. I’m Dr. Mondell,” the man began. “I’ve been treating your son.”
“How is he? Can I see him?” Lily’s wavering voice displayed her fight to remain calm in order to get the information they needed.
“Luke was involved a serious accident. A tractor-trailer lost control, and skidded into the lane your son was driving in. It struck his vehicle head-on…” Now the doctor’s façade cracked a bit, as he solemnly continued. “He suffered catastrophic injuries. I’m so very sorry, but there’s no brain activity. We couldn’t save him.”
“No!,” Lily’s guttural scream tore through the hospital. “Not my son! Not my son!” She grabbed Dr. Mondell by the arms and nearly shook him, but for Holden gripping her tightly and pulling her back into his embrace.
Holden had to drop down into a chair with Lily in his lap, because he could barely stand himself, let alone hold her up. Their son was gone. Their son was dead. His mind screamed for it not to be true. Life as they knew it was over; things would never be all right again.
Reid watched the scene in front of him unfold as if it were a movie. It didn’t feel real. He didn’t feel real. What the hell just happened? Was this moron seriously telling them Luke, his Luke, was dead?
The guy must be a nut job. Reid was about to decry the man’s credentials and storm back into the ER to see what was really happening when a jerky movement to his right caught his peripheral vision. He turned just in time to see Noah’s suddenly unconscious, listless body plummeting towards the tile floor. Reid's hands reflexively shot out to halt the freefall.
Chapter 3