Dual update time here. Update numbah vone (I am now the governator). I vent rahding in zee heely hundredh today. It was good, save for that accursed Mt. Tabor, which I did cold because I felt like sitting and eating nachos at Denise's house at the bottom of the hill. (ok governator gone now). That made me hurt. Ow. Anyway, if any of youin's want to
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Comments 7
I want to baiidd walmart in the ,lack so t brone the lake put in a an a meat comepet scl I bull su all the tree in maamal sutat put a hthtu wau bullse all tres in forat of the blame to .thu praLin pH hulk a pranin in th waell fornt, fcetate fatce ame role aks Laimde. the fish in the lake jwil bie. the thins ths live ina .the.foiset will bye could kill in days i plant and gamet the lad will isill souff in the ground. the lilu us Llauct will baput the airr.
Take that one as you will.
how about you're trying to sound funny and all it really shows is that your maturity level is about on par with those that you're trying to make fun of?
or how about you look like a really fucking ugly girl in the pic?
and random outbursts...it might be funny the first time, but the next, oh, 100 times, it really isnt funny anymore
you really needed a wake-up slap
no offense intended
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