Name: Anne Holly.
Fandom: Highlander/OC Watcher.
Disclaimer: I owe nothing, except Anne.
Warnings: None.
Challenge Topic: What indulgence can you NOT live without?
Word count: 317.
In the place where I grew up, there was a man who lived alone in a cabin. The cabin was solitary, lacking in all the things we take for granted. There wasn’t any running water, no phone, no Television. That would be a challenge to haul water you need home from somewhere else, not something I’d think I could do, but apparently it is a do-able thing.
The cabin was on two acres of land, on sandy soil where little to nothing grew, it however was an excellent place for mosquitoes and wood ticks.
It was a dreary place in my eyes. Gloomy, sparse, barren beyond what I could have tolerated. I can do simplicity, I have done, but poverty of that type especially by choice, that’s something different again. I was certain I had a better lifestyle, than he. It made me wonder what mattered to him. What was important. What was he passionate about.
I wondered about what the long dark hours of each day were filled with, he didn't have a television, or a radio. Without a telephone to receive calls with, and being several miles out in the "sticks", with no close neighbors, did he sit and wonder what to fill the hours up with?
Did he see those hours as being empty, as I do? I think maybe he read books or magazines...that would be something at least.
I never came to any real conclusion about him. Though years later, I look back at that man and see his hours were filled with more than I do. I have more luxuries than he ever did but each day the hours seem empty, filled with moments of nothing. I can spend a whole day being busy with my luxury items, and at the end of the day I haven’t filled up my day with anything.
I sometimes wonder who really does...did...have the better quality of life.