Do stupid actions mean stupid people?

Feb 06, 2009 16:47

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
Also, I don't think people are overall stupid just for making stupid choices. Especially if those choices are emotional.

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
nice get out clause

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
It attacks the behaviour, not the person

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
and is it not the heart and the head that drives that behaviour?

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
Certainly, but calling the heart or head of that person stupid fails to look for solutions to the problem. "Stupidity" is not curable. Bad decision making skills are.

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
or at least, thats how you would liek to cut it

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
No, that's the truth.

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
People can change and usually do.

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
Whether or not they change for the better - in this case, becoming more intelligent - depends on what's influencing the change and how they go about it.

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
do they actually change or do their actions chance?

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
Because how the person changes influences how they will act

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
or they believe the way that they act means they have changed

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
is an evil person good becuse they give money to chairty after murdering 5,000,000 people?

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
Not if they haven't changed

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
but how do you know?

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
if they say the right words

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
if they do the right actions

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
but their heart wnat to kill that 5,000,001 person

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
You don't, but that isn't the point. My point all along has been that stupid actions don't necessarily mean the actor is stupid. The man who's heart is evil but whose actions are good isn't necessarily good because his actions are.

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
but the evil one who cna create good actions is highly intellgent
Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
if someone just makes stupid decisions, not to appear the fool but just gets hurt then they themselves are not intellgent

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
Being unintelligent in area of relationship decisions still doesn't make you generally unintelligent.

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
but how can you be truely intelligent how can you be short in one area or another

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
Because anything else would equate being truly intelligent with being fully intelligent in all areas. A brilliant mathematician can still decide to return to an abusive partner. An intelligent philosopher can still have difficulty calculating algebra. Just because they're short in one area each does not make them untintelligent.

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
only if you have doe eyes

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
So you're changing your argument. You're not just arguing that stupid actions make stupid people, you're arguing there is no such thing as intelligent people.

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
Because I challenge you to prove to me someone exists who is perfectly intelligent in everything they chose to do and is thus intelligent.

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
thus we have nothing buy stupid people

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
So really this debate can't be won. Because your conception of intelligent people is impossible, and mine allows people to be imperfect.

Thanatos - Heavy Metal is all I have, Heavy Metal is all I need says:
thats because you have very low standards

Sarah // The ROFLcopter plays Mozart. says:
No, it's because your standards are impossibly high

Any thoughts?
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