Title: The Other Side of Us
random_nicRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: ATWT characters are the property of Telenext and CBS.
Word Count: 1700
Summary: Lives are changed in the wake of a traumatic event.
Reid was perfectly comfortable in his own skin. )
Comments 17
I LOVE that Reid recognizes that Noah is very much like Holden in the most positive sense. I couldn't agree more with the assessment.
You continue to break my heart with Noah. He remains so closed off and adrift, an empty shell of a person just going through the motions of life.
Reid helped to diffuse the situation with Ethan beautifully. Why can't you guys just let me hate him??? Writing him with such rich and nuanced humanity makes things so confusing for me!
Ha, you don't really wanna hate Reid; you hate that he got in the path of Nuke. Outside of that, you know you like him just a little! ;)
Great chapter Nic. This chapter deserves the holy trinity. So here have some Zouarry. :)
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