Title: The Other Side of Us
random_nicRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: ATWT characters are the property of Telenext and CBS.
Word Count: 1408
Summary: Lives are changed in the wake of a traumatic event.
Chapter 1 (for anyone catching up) (
It seemed like Noah was spoiling for a fight… )
Comments 9
He's always under the imagination that pushing people away wouldn't hurt them (Luke's the best example) and is actually thinking he's doing a good thing by staying away.
I seriously hope that Reid can finally talk some sense into him. Seriously!!! If anyone could do that, then it's Reid.
All in all, another brilliantly written chapter with Reid and Noah being so in character. Love it!
Noah and Reid have graduated from hurling casual insults at each other to arguing about things that are REAL. Most significantly, as you so deftly point out through Reid's thoughts, he has stepped more or less unwittingly into the role formerly occupied by Luke of attempting to draw Noah out of his pain to confront his fears and demons. He can't help but care about the other man's well being and quality of life.
For the 500th chapter in a row, my heart breaks for Noah. I miss my sweet, happy Noah. In your capable hands, though, I trust he'll find some peace before this brilliant story comes to a close.
Excellent chapter!
Just wanted to say hi and that I miss your writing. I hope you're well and that you're going to continue your story some time.
I wish you a happy Easter!
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