Also, to clear up any confusion concerning the RPG charecter named Tellanue. For those who were under the impression that this was a real person I do apologize. Before we started that LJRPG it was clearly stated in the first posting (which I apologize was removed long ago) that all persons mentioned were of a fictional nature. For all those who
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I've seen people talk about anime here and I need suggestions so I hope no one minds me posting this here.
I'm thinking of making an Ah! My Goddess forum. Maybe a site as well. But I want to try something other than invisionfree. And I don't know what's good for sites. Anyone have any suggestions?
Today, I shall go to Addison and rent stufs at the almighty AnimePop. Because I really do need to do my reviews. Mel = BAD. I'll rent like...3 things to make up for it. Then I'll also do some reviews of stuff on my shelves. I promise I'll get them done guys. Have faith in me. I'm just so busy all the time now. Plus I'm like...semi-moving here
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