"The Big Bang" reaction

Jul 28, 2010 22:18

Thanks to BBC America and iTunes, I have now seen all of Series 5 of Doctor Who, including the finale.  Spoilers!


*flails and squees*

Ahem.  Sorry, lost control there.

That.  Was.  Amazing.

Congratulations to everyone involved in making this awesome piece of television.  There is so much I loved about watching this.  It's gorgeous.  I'm not sure where to start.  The story was lovely, and I enjoyed how it ties in to the rest of the season so smoothly.  The acting was also great.  I cried several times throughout, in a good way.  Matt Smith, you rock, if only because of that last scene with Amelia (if you've seen it, you know which one).  Amelia and Amy both were adorable.  And River Song?  Yeah, she's awesome.  I was sort of indifferent towards her when I first saw her in the Library episodes, but she's definitely won me over now.  Then there's the matter of Rory Williams.  Oh, Rory.  Rory is amazing, for so many reasons, and I am very excited that it appears he will be back.  On that note, yay for a happy ending, and multiple companions!  I do like Eleven and Amy together, but I really enjoy when River or Rory (or both) are around to provide a different dynamic.  Rory in particular helps balance out the combined chaos of the Doctor and Amy.  I hope to see much more of this team.

The music was wonderful as well.  I really hope there will be a soundtrack for Series 5 and the specials.  I also really liked the costuming throughout.  Particularly in regards to Rory throughout and the Doctor at the end (/shallow fangirl).  Seriously, both of them were quite dashing with their top hats and coats.

Anyways, I loved this finale.  I don't know exactly how high I'd rank it amongst my favorite episodes, but I'm pretty sure it's my favorite finale of the new show so far.  (Did I mention, yay for happy endings?)  Here's looking forward to Christmas and Series 6! :D

fandom, squee, scifi, doctor who

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