Lots of people don't like the new Livejournal comments pages. They've added "classic comments" to the Minimalism style, but for whatever reason they coded it so that turning it on means that custom css no longer works. And that's the extent they're going to accommodate us
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Comments 11
I was wondering if you knew of a fix for me to implement? So, up until now, I've always used the fancy layouts, all of which had a navigation bar at the bottom of each entry:
X comments/leave a comment/edit entry/edit tags/ add to memory/ etc
I used your Flexible Squares theme (Pastel Spring) and prettied it up a bit to fit my preferences, but I found that while it has the X comments/leave a comment toolbar, it doesn't have the rest of the links I find so incredibly useful, specifically edit entry and edit tags. While it is possible for me to do a bit of clicking around and edit things that way, I am lazy and spoiled and was hoping you had some way to add (or some directions I can follow) to make it possible to add those links directly to each entry while it is viewed from either my f-list or my "Recent Entries" page?
Thank you!
Flexible Squares, with all the entry links added: 38996561
Pastel Spring for the new layout: 38997599
I added a property to the regular Flexible Squares theme I made, so that you can use that one. It's in the Presentation group on the "Customize Your Theme" page
You should find a few new properties on the Sidebar tab of the "Customize Your Theme" page.
Though -- maybe it's something else I have set that's messing with it? -- while it's doing the font-size thing (more uses, larger font), it's still displaying the tags as a list instead of inline.
While choosing list, ironically, displays them inline.
*edits for the third time to put in the THANK YOU that should have been there from the start*
There was some CSS for that edit that you didn't tell me about. Check your journal now.
I do have one question though, do you know if there's a way to show the navigation bar on comment pages only and not when browsing friends view? I had that prior to using this fix and now the navigation bar shows all the time and that seems to be my only option through the lj customization page. - Hang on, I think I'm just being late night dumb and confusing the navigation strip with the lj banner. But since I'm here: Would you happen to know how to allow the banner to show on my comments page? I don't actually mind it so much! If not, ah well.
Thank you again for figuring this out!
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to add in the banner automatically, and I couldn't build it from scratch because of the way S2's security features are set up. The nav bar was the best I could do.
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