I've a massive project to do for work which should have been finished by now and isn't yet and even when I get it done it won't be done very well, and so I've been scared and avoiding it and drawing it out even longer.
I've been avoiding the game, because there's a lot there I haven't read lately, and I don't talk to people enough and don't know what's going on backstage, and need to RP scenes with at least two people...
I've been avoiding my friendslist because -- fuck, I don't know. Sometimes, just the thought of talking to people scares me.
[I'm not going to actually say anything about it, but insert bitter, vitriolic Supreme Court wank here.]
I've been trying to find a new job for months. I haven't yet. Life sucks.
I hate telecommuting. I'm sitting here in my underwear -- which I promised myself I wouldn't do anymore -- trying to get work done, knowing I need to comment and post in the game, and wanting to do nothing more than curl up in the tub and keep reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Or head downstairs and play Final Fantasy IX some more.
But I'm on better meds now, and I'll feel better all around once this massive project is over, and I have a brand-new niece who is superspecial, and... Fuck. I dunno.
Hugs and love to you all.