Desecrated = BEST. THING. EVER. (until the next Legend of the Seeker. Best. Thing. Ever.)
My reactions during the first giggle and squee filled viewing went as follows:
Cara clapping. LMAO
Oh hai there Eric. You seem a bit...fabulous. You can stay. Richard will need a "friend" to console him after Doom in the Tomb.
I like how Cara just swipes back Kahlan's swishy clothes and grabs her dagger. ZOMG. Familiar. Done that often? I like to think you have, de-daggering before sexy tiems.
Yes everyone, slit your fightin' hands. Lol
Big ass necropolis. Kind of cool looking.
"This crypt is spelled"....what no POWERFUL MAGIC? I want to drink damn it.
OMFG. LMAO. Cheer pyramid! Kahlan losing clothes to fan out the torch....guh.
Spider Mummy, spider mummy does whatever a spider mummy does.... I like the bandage shooters. Cheesy awesome. Shut up. :p
Kahlan is determined lately for Cara to give her the breath of life. That's twice she's mentioned killing herself so Cara can revive her, here and in "Bound."
"As tempting as that offer of killing you might be." Suuuuuuuuuuuure Cara. We know it's not the killinating that tempts you. DESECRATE. Just do it. it just me or was Eric a little too upset about Garrett (I think that was his name) being mummy snuffed? Dun worry Eric. Richard will be free for you soon.
"Your friends are too powerful." Lol. Cormac are you implying that Richard can't stop you on his own and he needs Kahlan and Cara to be effective? You have a point there. I approve this message.
AW CARA. "You were right."
"About what?"
"You once told me that it's a hard world, that we don't get many chances to tell people how much they mean to us."
Kahlan sits up. She knows this will be relevent to her interests. In her pants.
Cara continues. "I was trained to hate you, but I don't. And I don't want to die without you knowing that I consider you to be my friend."
"I think of you as a friend too."
Kahlan glomps Cara.
OMFG. &6lk:"{Fp0@44*q1! *dies*
*dies again*
Fight = Sexy tiems substitute? Yes/Yes?
Kahlan initiates the hand grab. NICE.
Soldier guy tries to help Cara up. "I'M FINE." Lol. Oh no you're not lying liar who lies. You're upset Richard is macking on your pookie.
"Eric no!!!" AW Richard. Lol.
"You were wrong. Back there in the tomb. Your life is just as important as mine is. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to free Zedd from the N....Spider Mummy."
"About what I said in the tomb."
Kahlan looks giddy. "It really meant a lot to me."
"Forget I said it. I was delirious from the lack of air."
Kahlan - *facepalm*
Me- Dies. Again.
To conclude. I want to have this episodes babies. *LOVES*