some of my baby.. LUCILLE
she makes funny faces :)
some of my best friends.. AKA my hermanitas :)
this ones my favorite.. EVERR and im such a great photographer cause I TOOK IT hahaha
um yah thats me teaching my sister how to flaunt her guns.. cause we soo have them
at the bar.. yesss
ok and i have a funny story to tell.. i came home and my madre was like jess your brother picked up a dead racoon from the side of the road that just got killed and he took it with him in his car and he says hes going to bury it.. hes been building a coffin for it for about 3 hours now
haha thats NOT something my brother would do.. hes like 18 and has no love in his heart for me, but he has love for raccoons?? what is the deal
so heres his coffin...
and the raccoon is in a cooler.. in a bag.. i was too scared to take it out of the bag
sorry if youre sick of my nonstop random pictures haha u can make fun of me if u want i dont care
but if u look at these pictures u better comment, or me and my sister will open up a can on u.. thats right the 4 year old biatches.