Belong to You prt 5

Sep 25, 2010 19:07

This one is rated NC-17 for grownup touching. It IS skip-able without really affecting the plot though if you're not into that kind of thing.

"I'm... I'm just a waitress..."

"You, Sookie Stackhouse, have just single hand-idly come up with a plan to undermine a powerful, hostile Vampire's invasion." he nuzzled her under the ear and then nipped the lobe lightly. "Your plan simultaneously saves the lives of everyone you care about, and increases the standing of two powerful vampire nests. Both of whom, when this is over, will be prepared to do just about anything you ask..." He made his way back to her mouth, while maneuvering her towards the wall. "You are so fucking spectacular..."

Sookie squeaked when her back hit the wall and Eric closed the gap between them, pinning her there. "Oh God..."

"Sookie," He groaned, his hips rolling forward and making her gasp, "I'll stop if you say so..."

"I know..." she swallowed hard, blinking up at him like a dear in the headlights. He would stop. He'd probably whine a little and make nasty comments, but he'd stop.

"What do you want?" Hie forehead lent against hers and he closed his eyes, breathing deeply, trying to regain control of himself.

"Now, or when my brain comes back?" She quipped, her hands had somehow come to rest on his shoulders and she couldn't bring herself to push him away.

"Which one sees me fucking you now?" His laugh was slightly impish and she clutched at his jacket collar convulsively as the sound made her groan. "I want you...Christ, Sookie, you make me crazy."

"Don't hurt me," She breathed, giving in and pulling him closer.

Eric's eyes popped open and he cupped her face in his hands, leaning tight in against her body. "Never," his lips were fire and ice at the same time and Sookie whimpered into his mouth and pushed at him, getting just enough clearance to jump slightly. He took the hint and picked her up, her legs wrapped around his hips.

Sookie felt her back against the cool of the wall and arched herself against the the living marble in front of her. Everything narrowed down and came sharply into focus. There were no werewolves, no shape shifters, there weren't even any vampires. She was just being fucked against a wall by a Viking, right out of one of those old legends. He'd just come to life and was ravishing her. On some level, Eric was disappointed. Whether he'd admit it or not, (and he hadn't decided one way or the other yet) he'd wanted their first time together to be somewhat more romantic than a quickie against the wall. He'd thought candles, music, satin sheets, or even better, real fur! The reality was somewhat less prosaic that that didn't mean he was going to stop.

"Eric," she pushed at his jacket, trying to get it off his shoulders without breaking the kiss, which proved impossible.

"This is not exactly what I had in mind," his breathing was heavy and Sookie was surprised at the idea that she might be affecting him as much as he was her. He fumbled with the drawstring, finally dipping his hand inside to touch her insistently with talented cold finger. "I wanted to take my time... make you scream..." he groaned as she gasped and arched herself against his hand. "I'm dead in two days if this plan doesn't work, and all I want to do is make you make that noise again."

"I should have known you'd be a talker," she gasped, gripping him tightly with her legs and thrusting herself against his hand.

"Next time I'll keep my mouth busy with something else..." His eyes widened somewhat when she wriggled and shoved her hands down between them, struggling with his belt and jeans. "Impatient...?"

"Strapped for time." her eyes flashed and Eric could have come in his pants. She was being playful with him!

"One day, very soon, I am going to fuck you from sunset to sunrise." He held her up against the wall so he could wriggle his jeans down and shuck her out of the sweats. "That's a promise." He growled, pulling her back against his body and pressing inside her in one smooth motion.

There was little for Sookie to do but hold on and try not to lose perspective. She was having sex with Eric... unexpected but wildly hot sex. But that's OK, its been a rough night, she shouldn't beat herself up over it. The problem was that he was nibbling at her neck and fondling her breast firmly while the motion of his hips made the rest of the world collapse.

In much the same way as he felt the uncomfortably common danger Sookie often found herself in, Eric felt her rapidly building orgasm like an barely contained explosion that threatened to buckle his knee's. He'd never actually shared a blood bond with someone he was fucking before and the experience was far more powerful than he'd imagined. He found himself panting against her neck wishing desperately that she'd bite him, drink him into her until they exploded together. There, before his eyes, were the tiny tell tale signs that someone else had tasted her and the knowledge made him growl against her possessively.

"Eric... Eric," she groaned, tugging at his hair until he pulling his head back, eyes flashing and hungry, to look at her face. "He's not here... you are."

She wasn't thinking about him... she wasn't feeling his cold touch and imagining to herself that it was someone else... He'd never have said so but he had felt the twinges of concern, real doubt that it was him on her mind. How had she known?

The answer was simple, she had been thinking about him, just not as Eric had feared. She'd been thinking about his restraint, his insinuations that she was too fragile, his focus when they had made love which had seemed so unshakable. Eric wasn't focused, it was like he could hardly contain himself and wanted to do everything to her at once! He didn't seem to be holding back at all either, he growled and grunted and swore under his breath about how wild she drove him. She'd never driven Bill wild like this...

"I can feel you... inside my mind," he groaned and Sookie shuddered, not at all sure what that meant but the broken quality of his voice when he said it made her feel powerful and sexy. With one hand, he reached down between them and rubbed her, his demanding hands drove her over the edge. "Come for me," he growled, though the words were hardly out of his mouth before he groaned and bit down on his own bottom lip, breaking the skin as he spasmed through his own release.

Sookie felt sticky and sore and gross, and warm and sated and desperately desired. Eric still held her up, snugly sandwiched between his chest which was still covered by his black singlet and the wall. She didn't want to say anything... the only phrases in her brain were stupid and cliche, 'wow', 'you're amazing', 'oh my God', not to mention she wasn't entirely convinced he wasn't about to make her feel like a complete fool. The he shocked her...

"Are you alright," His voice was gentle, a low rumbling thunder heralding warm summer rain... One of his hands came up to cup her face, turn it towards him so he could kiss her tenderly.

"Nothing broken, Whoa, you're bleeding!" she looked apprehensively at the blood on his mouth and he pulled back.

"I didn't think you'd appreciate being bitten..." he wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I probably wouldn't have cared... till right about now," She confessed, wincing slightly as he slipped from her body and his arms carefully lowered her till her feet touched the ground. She looked around, not sure where her eyes were meant to settle. Luckily for her the over-sized sweatshirt more or less covered her, but Eric seemed completely indifferent to his state of undress.

"I'll take that as a compliment," He smiled down at her, still leaning against her body, pinning her to the wall and caressing the side of her face with his fingertips.

"Is it always this awkward?" She blurted suddenly.

Eric looked at her curiously. "Awkward?"

"Having sex with someone for the first time. I've only ever slept with two people and... well it just seems like after the first time I don't know where to look, I dunno what to say, I'm sure somehow I've made a fool of myself and any minute now it'll turn out everyone I've ever known was watchin' and I'm a social outcast and..."

"Sookie..." he stopped her with a finger over her lips. "You look anywhere you like. If you're interested enough to look, I am certainly vain enough to like it. Then, traditionally, as a beautiful young woman, you baby my poor, fragile ego by telling me how amazing I was." He grinned impishly, kissing her forehead. "How talented I am," fingers in her hair, holding her still while he kisses her nose. "How sexy you think I am," a longer, more lingering kiss to her lips with just a hint of tongue. "And finally how spectacularly large I am compared to your last boyfriend." She had to laugh, what else was there to do? "Or, alternatively you can laugh at my humble suggestions and shatter me completely."

"Eric... This was a really stupid thing for me to have done..."

"Care to explain that?"

"What's to explain?" She reached up and took his hand, holding it away from her face, but holding it all the same. "You sit on a throne and have beautiful women throw themselves at you every night."

Eric grinned, "Are you being possessive of me now, lover?"

"That'd be pretty stupid of me, huh?" she was clamping up, pulling back and he didn't like it one bit.

"Isn't that part of belonging to someone? Accepting that they get sole rights to your... person." He took hold of her chin gently, "I am capable of being loyal to you..."

"But will you be?"

"If you ask me to, and if you will shun others and favour only me." He looked at her carefully. "Doesn't that seem fair? After all, I can't very well sit all night on my throne waiting for you, only to have you choose someone else. You forget, it is my heart being risked here." When she gave him a disbelieving look and stroked her hair and sighed. "I have no doubt that when all this is over, Bill Compton is going to come back and attempt some kind of explanation to you... I am the one who will be alone should you accept him back. You have no rival for my affection."

"You're trying to tell me every single person in Fangtasia every night isn't begging to get your pants off?" she scoffed, desperate to turn the conversation away from herself.

"Perhaps. I neither know, nor care. You do care about Bill."

She had to admit, when he'd said that Bill might come back, that he might somehow explain everything, she'd felt a thrill of excitement at the possibility. Now, looking at him, she felt dirty for it.

"I know Bill can get to a phone... I know he could contact me if he wanted too. I know that he must have known I was in danger in Jackson. Even if he couldn't come get me, he could have called, even just called and hung up, just to know I was alright. But he hasn't..." She sighed and thunked her head back against the wall. "I don' know what this is, with you an me, but I'm not goin' back to Bill. Not now."

"Then I will be yours, without reservation."

fanfic, true blood, bty

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