(no subject)

Dec 26, 2004 15:34


Well today is meh birthday...I am now 18!!! Wow...I don't feel any different...amd I supposed to feel like an adult now or what?!?!? Because I don't feel like a mahn!!! Well at least I can buy meh some cigs now and not have to worry about depending on someone else!! YES!!! **SCORE** Well I now have $1,125 but it is all going to beh gone in like...um...12 hours or so. I am buying a computer with all of that damn money! It better kick ass! Well I am debating on wheather to get a Dell or an IBM. IBM isn't going to beh making computers fer long so if I need a part or something I am going to have to go through hell and back in order to get it. Meh mom gets a 15% discount fer Dell so I think I am going to go with that, even though meh cousin gets like a $200 discount off of IBM...Dell seems like the way to go...

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