Well I have had a lot of fun lately. Doing nothing. I have a job now at a computer place. And guess who just called me wanting a job interview...Circuit City!!! That is awesome! Things are now starting to fall into place...here are some cool pics I found in an email:
I had a good day at school. Not much going on. Just hanging out.
Click here for a good site, and say that I referred you, you will get a free $25.00 in your account. It is a new auction site my friend has just opened...spread the love.
Well I noticed I haven't updated in a while...sorry, I haven't had the internet since I moved. Well I am really happy b/c I make Honor Roll (Don't ask how, I made 2 C's). That is about it. Oh and one of my friends is in jail name to be with-held. That kinda sucks. Everyone is dropping out of West Meck...losers...LOL. It kinda suck, I make
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Today was an awesome day. Mainly because I slept through most of it. I didn't get to school until like 9 because they took meh out of meh house at like 12 a.m. since meh heat isn't working. It turns out that someone stole meh meter and now it doesn't work. That sucks, but we just put some kerosine heaters in the house to it should be all good
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Today was an awesome day. Mainly because I slept through most of it. I didn't get to school until like 9 because they took meh out of meh house at like 12 a.m. since meh heat isn't working. It turns out that someone stole meh meter and now it doesn't work. That sucks, but we just put some kerosine heaters in the house to it should be all good
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Well today was good. I got to just have a relaxed type of day. Ah man I have a crap load of homework due for A day (tomorrow). It sucks. Timmy is back...but no Zero. :(. I ♥ Boobahs or whatever you call them. They are the coolest things in the whole fuckin' world man! Don't ask why though...
Ok so I found out that I am moving again. I am going to move back to meh old house and I will be staying there with Kyle. The others are moving to Winston-Salem. So that's awesome. I am just not looking forward to moving meh stuff again. That is going to suck. I just woke up and I was feeling very very wierd while I was sleeping, I was awake
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So I got a job now. I work dispatch 3rd shift on weekends. It is going to be very very stressful but it's ok. I need money. I stayed the weekend at Izzy's house this weekend. It is the most fun I have had in years. We went to a concert at the Milestone. It was awesome, i met some cool people. I will keep talking later...gotta go!