Title: One Minute
Pairing: NishiKato
Rating: PG for kissing
Genre: Fluff
Summary: One minute to burn fat.
Disclaimer: I do not own them.
Author’s Notes: This is fluffy, I think. LOL.
The day started with Nishikido Ryo reading a health magazine in the NEWS room. He’s waiting for his lover to finish with the individual shots. Usually, individual shots were done first before group shots so all members finish early. But today, everyone but him and Shige has individual work to do so they did group shots first before individual shots. Unfortunately, Shige is scheduled last today so Ryo had to wait for him to finish.
So, he’s reading the magazine idly until a certain article caught his attention:
It is scientifically proven that one minute of kissing will burn 26 calories…
Now, this thing should be proven once again. This caused Ryo to think of a plot to make Shige kiss him for more than one minute to burn-off some calories.
Shige entered the room an few minutes later, and seeing Ryo with a devilish look on his face, considered getting out. Too late, Ryo already saw him and is looking at him with THAT devilish look.
“What’s with the look?” Shige asked Ryo.
“Nothing.” The face went back to normal, making Shige more suspicious.
Shige then started changing to his street clothes and prepared to head home. Ryo followed suit.
When they arrived their shared apartment, Ryo immediately pushed Shige to the nearest wall and proceeded to kiss the lights out of the younger man. Shige gasped because of the suddenness of the kiss, which gave Ryo a chance to sneak in his tongue into Shige’s mouth. Then the battle for dominance started. When they are in dire need of air, both pulled away. Ryo is the first to recover but he just continued to stare at Shige.
“What’s that for?” Shige asked Ryo.
“Nothing. I just wanted to test a theory. But I won’t be able to test it when we kiss for more than one minute.” Ryo replied sulkily.
“There goes your ‘Nothing’ again. What is really up? Tell me honestly.” Shige asked patiently.
“It’s about this article that I read.” He then proceeded to take out the magazine and show Shige the article.
“It said that one minute of kissing will burn 26 calories.”
“Oh, Ryo. You don’t need to time that. We burn so much more with sex.” Shige said, then proceeded to turn red.