Title: Forever
Pairing: NishiKato
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I do not own them.
Author’s Notes: This is fluffy, I think. This is based from the February issue of Winkup.
Kato Shigeaki never understood Nishikido Ryo. Shige is a smart kid, a genius, a graduating law student, it’s natural that he wants to understand things, humans are naturally curious people. That’s why when a certain Osakan called him in the middle of the night, complaining that he can’t sleep and demands Shige to come to his apartment, the prodigy is naturally curious and confused. He has never hung-out with the Osakan alone, they always had Jin or Yamapi with them.
Now, the prodigy is standing in front of the Osakan’s apartment, waiting for an answer. Apparently, the Osakan informed security that he is coming. When the door is opened, a half-naked Nishikido Ryo welcomed him with black circle under his eyes and a tired smile. Shige can’t help but pity the older man because obviously, he lacks too much sleep.
“Why did you call me? And in the middle of the night?” Shige asked the Osakan, annoyed.
“I want to sleep on your lap. I can’t seem to sleep tonight.” The older man answered.
“And you thought I will help you sleep by being your lap pillow?” The prodigy asked incredulously.
Instead of a reply, the Osakan dragged Shige to the couch, pushed him down, and put his head on the other’s lap. The older one fell asleep almost instantly when his head touched the younger one’s lap. Now, this is weird, curious, the genius thought. Why would Ryo call him in the middle of the night, only to sleep on his lap? This question was not followed because
Shige also fell asleep.
These curious incidents increased immensely in the following nights and it’s making the genius think very hard, it hurts. He then decided to confront the Osakan. So one day, while preparing dinner at Ryo’s apartment, since it’s an almost daily thing that Shige is in the apartment, he asked Ryo.
“Why me? Why is it me you called?” Shige asked Ryo, frustrated.
“Why not you?” Ryo answered haughtily.
“Just tell me.” Shige asked, almost pleadingly.
“You still don’t get it? I can’t sleep without you. I don’t know when it started, it just happened. I wanted these feelings to stop. But it didn’t, and I need sleep so badly.” Ryo answered.
“Why can’t you sleep without me?” Shige asked dumbly.
"Are you dumb? And they call you a genius. I CAN’T SLEEP WITHOUT YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!” This answer shocked Shige beyond words. “Won’t you answer me?” Ryo asked, concerned.
“Wow. I don’t know what to say. But, I think I love you too.” Shige told Ryo.
And taking Ryo by surprise, Shige kissed him full on the lips. And from that day on, Ryo never lost sleep ever again.