So I'll be living in Dublin in less than two weeks, yay. I'll be up tomorrow for finishing up home-hunting, so if peoples are about, I'd love to see you!
1. What's one thing thats heavily weighing on your mind?
Surprisingly, nothing. No serious problems currently yay!
2. Whats one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
Things happen, people change. *shrug*
3. Whats one thing you've learned lately from love?
Depends on what sort of love you mean I guess. Platonic, friends are heart. Otherwise, what love lately? :P
4. Is there anyone special in your life in general at the moment?
Nay. Dear god I've been lazy. Meant to work on that.. Oh well. :D
5. Whats a happy time you've had in the past week?
Laughing my head off at the worst jokes ever <3, going to gig Saturday and SUnday evening, suddenly deciding to go out Saturday night, that was fun, which it NEVER is!
6. Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?
Nah, I currently have very few regrets.
7. Who do you like to spend your nights with?
Friends, family I guess, books :P
8. Are you an emotional person?
Not so that people notice these days. But I guess so!
9. Are you self conscious?
A bit, but only sometimes. I've improved.
10. Do you think of others before yourself?
I try!
11. Whats something that can always make you feel better?
Talking to friends obviously, sun kune do (beating things up ftw!).
12. Who was the last person you had a crush on?
Crush? Hrmm. None of you would know him, nor are ever likely to, rendering this exercise pointless!
13. Where do you see yourself this time next year?
Working my ass off for the last 2 weeks of summer so I have lots of money for random crap during the college year!
14. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
Most likely. Not my fault. :P
15. Who do you feel the most comfortable around?
My friends, oddly enough. :P
16. Is there something that you're waiting for?
College. Moving to Dublin. \o/
17. One thing you're not looking forward to?
Work on Friday. Actually, it won't be that bad. Going to a wedding this weekend, I probably won't enjoy that.
18. How do you feel about change?
I tend to like it. Unless it's bad change. Bad change is BAD, mmk?
19. What are you most looking forward to?
College yaaaaay!
20. What are your plans for your next birthday?
I'm thinking of planning it way in advance so I can drag people here for new year's eve. That way people WILL be there on new year's day and I can celebrate my birthday on my birthday for the first time ever damnit!
21. Do you even care about your birthday?
I rarely enjoy it, but hey, excuse for house party!
22. Do you think anyone in general out there loves you?
Some of my friends hopefully!
23. When do you think the world will end?
Right now. Except it didn't. Boy did I get that wrong.
24. Whats the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
I have no idea actually.
25. Why do you drive the car you have right now?
I don't drive. Sad.
26. Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed?
Yup. Sometimes.
27. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
Yeah :/ They should never cry.
28. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid?
Err... vitamin C maybe? The orange and lemon flavoured ones?
30. Did you get any compliments today?
No, but I've had no contact with the outside world at all today, so I can wait.
31. Are you friends with your neighbors?
Sure. Well, we just moved here so I barely know them, but my mom does and they do seem nice.
32. What were you just thinking about?
Where the heck I'm gonna live in Dublin..
33. Name the places you have lived in?
Eh, they've all been in Cavan, or about 20 minutes away from it, but I've lived in 4 different houses now.
34. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?
Don't drive.
35. Have ever had a crush your on your sister's/brother's friend?
Possibly, I don't recall one though.
36. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
Mirror..? Er, probably WAKE UP.
37. When is the next time you will make out with somebody?
Probably never. Lonely forever SAD. :P Shrug, I dunno. Couldn't possibly predict that, alas!
38. What's a word that rhymes with "LUCK"?
Your face. Now a word. It just has a space in it. Otherwise, many words. Duck, for instance.
39. What's your favorite planet?
Earth. People and all that jazz.
40. Who's the 2nd person on your missed calls list?
My mother's work number, how dull.
41. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?
No favourite, but haven't changed it from the nokia tune..
42. What shirt are you wearing right now?
Light blue tshirt.
43. What do you "label" yourself as?
NOT straight-edge or a pioneer so if one more person tries to label me as either, I keeel you. :P I'm me. I just so happen to not drink, smoke, do drugs or anything like that. Grr.
44. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?
A sock. <-- Aidan's answer suffices. Well, 2 socks actually, you could call them a pair.
45. Bright or dark room?
As in, is my room bright or dark, or do I prefer bright or dark? My room's quite bright, otherwise, depends.
46. What do you think about the person who last took this survey?
He's awesome, haven't seen in FOREVER.
47. If you're alone in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep in?
The one near the window. Iunno.
48. What were you doing at midnight last night?
49. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say?
Too long. Effort.
50. What just so happens to be the best song in the world?
Heh, Jack Black appeared on MTV yesterday. Coincidence? I think not.
51. What's a word or phrase that you say a lot?
Awesome. I hate that word!
52. Who told you he/she loved you last?
I have no idea. Most likely one of my friends. I'd guess Olive. <3
53. Last furry thing you touched?
The cat.
54. How many drugs have you done in the past 3 days?
56. Do you have any film that needs to be developed?
Yes, and it will NEVER happen.
57. Favorite age you have been so far?
I dunno. 18's been ok. I forget the rest.
58. Hats or beanies?
I have millions of both. Not that I collect them or anything, oh no.. >.> wearing a yellow beanie right now. And beanie does not mean me. :P
59. Your worst enemy?
Agree with Aidan. Gravity. :D
60. What is your current desktop picture?
Something blue. Sea or something.
61. What is the last thing you said to someone?
62. Do you love someone?
Millions of people. :P
63. Last song you listened to?
Psycho Killer, covered by a local band. They're all kinds of awesome.
64. If the last person you spoke to on the phone was getting shot at, what would you say?
"Why would anyone shoot at my mother? I must be dreaming, I'm gonna go eat lots of pie." <-- stealing this!
65. Do you do the games in the ads on myspace?
They have games?
66. What are your favorite Pjs?
I dunno, anything comfy and pretty!
67. What do you do when you pass graveyards?
68. Have you ever seen a shooting star?
Yup, not nearly enough though. Once I thought one was following me... :O
69. How old do you think you'll live to be?
Millions of years.
70. List five things you want to do in your lifetime:
1. Fall in love. <-- Keeping because it's a given
2. Become a surgeon.
3. Save many lives. Sorta goes with the territory of being a surgeon.
4. Take up the sax and get ridiculously good at it. Also improve lots on guitar and bass.
5. Get as high up as I can in the belts in Sun Kune Do. Take up many other martial arts. (This is in process already. Taking up new ones when I start college!).
71. What do you put on your hamburgers?
Not a big hamburger person but ketchup?
72. Do you eat raw hot dogs?
Eh, no.
73. Do you like sushi?
Surprisingly, given my usual hatred for fish, yes.
74. How much salad dressing do you put on your salad?
A bit? Don't each much salad.