Starforge: Ack! *flails and laughs* Mama, Windstripe's bitin' me on the aft!
Nova: *looks up watchfully from where she's lining Oriana 2's dolls up for war and frowns at the baby fuzor*
Oriana 2: *peeks over her book and giggles as Chromia gets up to go and try and convince the fluffy cub that her son is not a chew toy.*
Starforge: *winds up on his back, hugging his friend and laughing uproariously as Windstripe gives him kitty kisses and says 'rowr!' in the most unfrightening manner imaginable*
Chromia: *laughing herself as she tries to separate them* You two settle down before somebody gits dented.
Oriana 2: *hops down and dives into the sparklet pile*
Chromia: Whoa! 0.o *laughs some more*
Nova: *watching gravely as her mama winds up on the bottom of the pile, but knows that rescue is not needed*
*flailing and laughter and tickling and 'rower!' ensues, till finally the three little ones lay still, blinking sleepily. Starforge is hugging Oriana 2, and Windstripe is using both of them for a pillow as he purrs*
Chromia: *gently strokes their helms, her optics tender, then reaches for Nova and cuddles her serious one* I think it's time fer a little recharge. What about you, darlin'?
Nova: *frowns, but then yawns* Yeah.
Chromia: *chuckles and kisses her on the forehead, then picks her up and lays her on one of the couches*
Panacea: *wanders in a little while later, arguing about something with Springer. Looks around at sleeping littles and grins* Were they a handful?
Chromia: *cuddled on a couch with her arms around Nova and Ironhide's arms around her. Sleepily* Nah, they were all good as gold.
Panacea: ... Alright, what happened to our kids and where did these come from?