"Push a little more with the right thruster, Headmaster Cliffjumper."
"Knock it off with the title already," the tiny red mech who was currently folded into a cube shape inside the clear helmet of the experimental headhunter unit frowned inwardly as he tested out the responsiveness of the massive drone.
"You want I should call you Cliffie?" Laughter came over the link.
"#%$%#@ you, Wheelwell." Cliffjumper accompanied the mild human profanity with a gesture. "Learn a little respect for your elders. Only femmes're allowed to call me that."
"Like any femme would stoop to your level." The young engineer chortled at his own wit.
"Yeah yeah, pick on the Minibot... wooaaaooww!" Cliffjumper spread out the headhunter's arms and legs reflexively as his touch to the thruster sent him spinning, then straightened them and countered very carefully with the other thruster. "Heyyy, I think I finally got it. Boy, you and your mom sure made this thing crazy responsive."
"It's supposed to feel as natural as your own body." Wheeljack's grandson checked some readouts. "You're still leaning on the controls a little hard, but yeah... lookin' good, old man."
"OLD?? ...Fraggin' kid." Cliffjumper sighed and turned the headmaster in a graceful pirouette, then paused to admire the shining blue planet that hung below them swaddled in its blanket of white water vapor. Sight of Earth never failed to bring a smile to his face.
This time, though, the smile quickly faded to a confused squint and then to a swift magnification of the headmaster's sensors as he noticed something back behind Mars. He gasped at what they told him, and then opened an encrypted channel to Wheelwell as he engaged both thrusters at full strength toward the incoming ships.
//Kid, get the slag outta here and tell them back at base that there's a fraggin' Meredronian armada right on our afts!//