Bad language ahead.
I've discovered someone plagiarizing my stories, gang, and it's
made me EXTREMELY angry in a very not-pleasant kind of way.
It's here on this board: About a 1/3 of the way down, posted by someone with the handle of TenMohican (Frintessa)
Now, granted, this looks like a dead thread and it's filled with pretty sicko
looking people, but that changes NOTHING about what this person did.
Let's see ... according to my jotted notes about my LoTR's books, I wrote them from
Jan 31, 2004 to Nov 6, 2007, with "The Book of The Wizard" finishing up May 24, 2008.
That is nearly FOUR YEARS of work in writing; after work, days off, nights when the
muses wouldn't leave me alone, early morning hours, during vacation...
"Days" 369 pages
"Redemption" 423 pages
"Wings" 129 pages
"Wizard" 69 pages
For a total of 990 pages written. By me. ONLY me.
And then someone lifts ENTIRE CHAPTERS and posts them somewhere else, even hotlinking
my photos, as if She/He/It has written this themselves? I am so pissed, I could axe
Someone planning to take my 50-some stories in In Plain Sight, next? Pass
them off like your own? It's enough to make me want to gank my entire archive
off the fucking net. (Which I won't do--haven't done.)
Fuckity, fuck, fuck.
If you value my work and value me, you don't DO this bullshit behavior.
If you value my work and you value me, you scream at anyone out there who tries
to steal my stuff--and you scream loud and long and complain to everyone/everywhere
about ANYONE who steals/plagiarizes someone else's stuff.
*is extremely furious*