It's been a while…
My IPS friends swear they live beneath my sink, so … my pond is YOUR pond!
February 2011, I had snow and ice. This was taken with an old digital camera and I have to be real-l-ly still in low light to get that wispy waterfall look.
May 2011, the greenery is starting to wake up. The red tree has leaves. The blue flag Iris is starting to grow. A few of the water lilies are (bravely) up. I waded in about this time (BRRR!) and pulled all 10 pots of waterlilies out, divided and repotted them. I expect in about 6 weeks that the (now) 20 pots of lilies will take over the pond!
June 2011. The blue flag Iris is in bloom. The pond is still murky because it needs bright sunshine + water lilies for shade. That combination makes the dirt settle and the algae can't get enough sunlight to grow.
July 2011. The water lilies are coming on strong, covering the pond. A few flower buds have appeared and the pond is clearing up. That's a rock in the foreground.
July 2011. I had lots of pollywogs (tadpoles) this year. One of my frogs is on this lilypad. Second shot after the froggie is from my second floor so you can see how far the lilies have spread across the pond.
July 2011 of the lilypads. I managed to catch one of my Shubunkin goldfish in the center bottom of the photo.
August 2011, the lilies are clear to the edges and need to be thinned. I took this two days before I went splunking and trimmed them. You can't tell, but the water is clear all the way to the bottom of the pond. Second photo is how the lilies look from waterline view; I just love how they bunch up and push through.
This is a Nymphaea Hermine water lily, grows like a maniac and has the purest white flowers.
This is a Nymphaea Yellow Queen lily.
This is a Nymphaea Meteor, also called a Rembrandt. I have three varieties of red/fushia water lilies.
Last shot, taken yesterday. There are blooms all over the pond and it's quite lovely.
I have SERIOUSLY enjoyed my pond this year.