Time for the last premade pregnant sim to give birth. Today we're heading over to Belladonna Cove to join the Patel family. I'm also trying out Semagic for the first time, so fingers crossed that nothing goes horribly wrong.
The Patel family originally lived in an apartment in Belladonna Cove, but were moved out in order to make the place a subhood. At that point, I had no idea what building they originally lived in, so they brought a house instead. Ana gets to try out the ballet barre while Ramir walks to work late because they moved in too late for the carpool.
Ana is a terrible cook. It really doesn't get much better than this, which is weird considering that she's in the culinary career path.
Despite the late start, Ramir rocks at work.
Hey, Ramir, whatcha doing?
Ramir: Nothing. Nothing at all.
I don't believe it cos something got him all hot under the collar.
Ramir: Hold me, beautiful wife!
Ramir: Actually, let's move this to the bedroom.
Ramir doesn't get to sleep for long though, it's birthin' time!
Ramir: Zzzzzz... whazzat?
Hah, Ramir brought home nearly ten grand today, bring it on!
It's just twins, a girl and a boy and they're both thrilled to see their dad today. This here is Sahira.
Sahira: Oh hey, dad.
And this is Deven.
Deven: Oooh, I can see dad from here!
Ana instantly rolled a want to learn parenting.
While she was doing that, the nanny we'd hired to do the real parenting scrubbed the bath clean. Eeeee, I love you, stay forever!
She deserves tips, I promise.
As soon as she went back to work, Ana got promoted.
Ana's LTW is to have six grandchildren. She could manage that with the twins, but what the hell, another kid won't hurt.
Date night! I sent them to the pub, where Mary-Sue's already chilling.
Ana: Hah, you wish you were good enough to beat me.
Mortimer: Heeeeey cutie, nice spots.
Stop harassing the cowplant, Mortimer.
And it was a dream date. :D
Ramir: A song for my beloved wife! Yoooooou are sooooo beautiful, to me.
Ana: Awww Ramir, that was so sweet. ♥
I forget who this guy is, but he hung out with Ramir all afternoon and evening while Ana recovered from her pregnancy exhaustion.
She's also got pretty bad morning sickness...
...And she's too hungry to take the time to actually cook food. This pregnancy seems to be hitting her harder than her first one, which makes me worry she's got triplets or quads.
Yay Ramir!
While Ramir's at work, Ana makes a start on growing up the twins. First up is Deven.
He's so adorable, I can't really be cross at him for playing in the revolting toilet.
Sahira and Ana's sleep schedules conflict, so Ramir got to grow up his daughter.
Potty training.
Ana came home from work and popped.
Future criminal mastermind perhaps? He's already a dab hand at escaping from behind bars.
Ana potty training faces. She's so pretty.
Radioactive toddlers. Sahira and Deven are adorable little kiddies, although they're whiter than I expected. I need to have another look at my geneticised skintones, but hey, at least they're not surprise!alien like
Glen Ottomas.
Ana is fighting a constant battle for sleep and food, so eventually I said 'fuck it' and brought her
an energizer potion with her aspiration points.
Toddler training continues.
Ana: Ooh!
Ramir brought home Darren and Cassandra! I was worried about ACR shenanigans, but they just politely played darts for hours.
Maybe because Darren has someone else on his mind other than Cassandra! Also I cannot believe Ana and Ramir have only one bolt! They're always ACRing each other up!
Ramir: Say 'dada'.
Sahira: Really, dad? Can't you teach me to talk properly?
Ramir: And I'll have none of that sass until you're at least 15, young lady.
The energizer potion wore off, so Ramir took over the childcare for a bit.
Also Ana is still awful at cooking. Good thing she's a waitress and not a chef.
Deven learned to walk.
NANNY POTTY TRAINING FACES! YES FOR REAL!!! This nanny is a Godsend. I want her in real life.
Baby time!
It's a little boy, named Asok.
Ana: Eeee, I'm so happy!
JSYK, Ana is a liar. She rolled Romance as a secondary and took a 5000 aspiration point hit for the birth. Poor Ana.
BREAKING NEWS: Ana is still a terrible cook.
I believe this is going to make mountains of difference, honest.
The next day, while Ramir's at work, Sahira grows up.
Aww, she's adorable! And I rather think the outfit is a subtle hint that she'd like to go to private school.
First thing she does as a child is ask her mother to read to her. Ana is happy to oblige.
Ana: And that's how Baby Bear dealt with Goldilocks, who was never seen again.
Ramir takes charge for Deven's birthday.
He is also an incredible cutie-pie.
Deven: *shoots all the things*
These two have wildly different personalities. Sahira is a serious sweetheart while Deven is a playful grouch, but despite that, they both get along very well.
But they need more friends! So I sent them to the park and made them play bingo for hours.
Deven: Who are you?
Townie: Shh, my number's coming up!
Turns out you don't actually meet the other bingo players. SIGH.
And Cassandra's hair flew south for the winter.
Back home, the twins play basketball together.
And Ana gets a promotion.
Ana: Prep cook? That means they're gonna find out I can't actually cook at all! I'm doomed!
I was honestly surprised to see that Ramir and Ana only have one bolt. They are a really affectionate couple. Although that could be because I forced myself to try and stop my habit of pausing the game to queue up actions, which allowed for a lot more autonomy. The twins are so fun and cute, I'm almost worried I won't like Asok as much. But I'm sure he'll be just as cute.
Now when I put the Patel's in a house, I glanced in their relationship panels and realised they hadn't met anyone new. I didn't realise sims in the bin never showed up on community lots and stuff! So after I'd played them, I went over to the Wiki, found out what apartments the other Belladonna Cover townies lived in and moved them back in. Then I found homes for everyone else, and that's when I decided the next family I wanted to play were the Singles. So, see you then!
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