Over to the Jacquet’s! First thing I did was check the bakery and er...
Pong: The business got repossessed.
The deed in Gilbert’s inventory says you’re a liar.
Pong: But consider this - I work here now.
I guess I can’t argue with that.
Gilbert: Lost my business, but gained these sweet guns.
A quick sell/buy got them the business back, but ugh, I wish I knew why this happened in the first place. I suspect my game just reached a point where it couldn’t handle any more owned businesses and gave up, and I’m not looking forward to having to do this with Sims who want five top level businesses. Happily that’s not the case for Gilbert and Denise, and business is quickly booming again anyway.
Denise: Your table manners disgust me.
That’s not body skilling.
Gilbert: It’s a sports massage.
Gilbert: I don’t feel any massaging, what’s going on?
I’m not sure, but I think you killed your masseuse.
He doesn’t seem very upset about it, at least.
So Denise and Gilbert both have job related LTWs, which means there’s a lot of this, which I didn’t bother screencapping. You’re welcome.
But Gilbert is also a Romance Sim, so I gave in to his want for a date and let him ask out Cynthia Little, a business reporter.
Cynthia: I’d like to report that this restaurant is glitched.
Right, I’ve decided I don’t care that much about the staff having different uniforms any more, it’s being sold back to the community.
At least Bernard’s Botanical Dining works.
Gilbert: Isn’t this nice?
Cynthia: I wouldn’t give it a Best Of The Best, but it’s all right, I guess.
SNOW! It snowed here today too, but just a dusting.
I don’t know what Andrea Hogan said to Gilbert, but whatever it was killed his crush.
Gilbert: Collecting MySims figurines is absolutely a valid hobby, you uncultured swine.
I feel like that can’t be all that comfortable with the hat on.
Denise: It’s exercise. There’s really not a lot to make it comfortable at all.
Despite not being all that impressed with Bernard’s Botanical Dining, Cynthia enjoyed herself enough to ask Gilbert out again. This time I sent them to Lulu Lounge.
Gilbert: Let me show you this sports massage I learned.
Cynthia: Oh yeah, now that’s a Best Of The Best!
Denise: What drop-off? Who is this? Hello?
Gilbert got a punchbag through work, so I let him skill on that.
Denise also needed body points, but her social was in the toilet, so I let her go out and mingle at the same time.
Should’ve stayed home, tbh, Gilbert invited in everybody who walked past that afternoon.
Nathan: How about that global pandemic, huh?
Oh nice going, Gilbert, that’s all the household money and then some.
Gilbert: It was the morally right thing to do.
Sure, you say that now, but only because you haven’t found out your stuffed unicorn got sold to pay the bill.
Denise: Suck in that flab!
Just a nice, family dinner.
Denise: This is not nice.
Denise only has a couple of days left, but she’s also at like, level 8 of her LTW career, so I am once again busting out the elixir.
Just took this picture to show you how pretty she is.
Skilling combo!
On the last day, mother and son both rolled wants for new clothes, so I sent them to Papaya Regime for some new togs.
Denise: Don’t touch me.
Jan: But you’re getting a new outfit, can’t I have that one?
New look for spring.
And the week ends with me noticing, after all these years, that the rain actually runs down the roofs. I love this game.
Uberhood Index