My 15 year old sister has decided to head to Glasgow (about 100 miles away) with a couple of friends, without telling any of us. It wasn't exactly hard to figure it all out though, as she's been going on about a Net friend (her Net boyfriend I think) for over a year. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't see one thing wrong with relationships that have started through the Net, but the fact of the matter is that she's 15, and she didn't tell any of us what she was doing. We got up this morning and said that she was gone. She left a note saying that her friend's mum was taking them out for lunch and they were staying in town, heading to a McDonald's for dinner and coming home later on tonight. Now, when we phoned said friend's home, her mum was in, and said that her daughter had left at 9am. We didn't ask about the lunch thing. We managed to get through to her other friend's phone, and told her to be home within half an hour, not a problem if you're in town. She said that she couldn't. Also, Mum said that she heard a TV in the background. There's no way she's in a McDonalds in town. Now, I can understand teenage crushes and all that, but this is way, way too far. I deleted her computer account, as my parents asked me to. She's getting her phone taken off her and she'll be grounded until Christmas, with no pocket money.
We're all totally scared about where she is and what she's doing. I mean, she's not the kind of person to ever do such a thing, disappearing at 9 in the morning and coming home 12 hours later, but she will drop everything to go off with her friends. I'm terrified that she might have some sort of backlash reaction to all this. I mean, what if she runs away from home or anything? Maybe I'm overreacting a bit, but I'm so fucking scared. None of the other shit that's happened to me or gone on with me recently seems to matter one bit.
I've just found out that she might have stayed through there last Saturday when she was supposed to be at one of the friends' she's with today. We're just waiting to find out.
Well, she WAS in Glasgow today AND last Saturday. She didn't stay overnight though. She's been told the consequences of what's happened. No computer, no phone (mobile or otherwise), grounded until Christmas at the very least, no money for anything.
She used her BIRTHDAY money to pay for the bus through and home again. I'm sure her aunts will be delighted to find that out. So she's not getting money for any birthday, Christmas etc again until we can trust her.
I'm just glad she's home.
She told the truth. I think she knew that if she didn't, it'd be 100 times worse for her.
She thinks she's being hard done by though.
I think she's starting to feel the consequences already. Her school is off for the next 2 weeks, so she's been stuck in the house all day doing nothing. She's been watching videos all day. I'm gonna ask my parents if she can meet me in town tomorrow afternoon, so I can maybe get her a library book or something. I'd much rather she was reading than just watching TV for the next week.
I think I'm gonna talk to her later tonight, see if she can understand things from our point of view. She's still going with the argument that she "knows" him. Now, I can totally relate, because I consider a lot of you guys to be good friends of mine, but the fact is that she was in an uncontrollable environment when they met, and there were 3 of them, whilst the guy had 3 friends with him. You just NEVER know though. I'd never say that I was against meeting people from the Net, as I have done and hope to do it again in the future, but the fact is that she is 15, was in a city she's not familiar with, and ANYTHING could have happened.
The guy's 16, so he should know better as well than to meet a stranger. There's no way he'll be hearing from her for a long time though.
Mum was really worried about a backlash. She called twice today from work to make sure everything was okay, and she's going to do it againg tomorrow and Wednesday. I'll be here most of Thursday and Friday, so it's not as much of an issue. Mum was really worried that she'd do something stupid, but she's not the kind of person that would, I don't think. At least not without encouragement from friends.
So yeah, crazyness.
Did I mention that some guy did a rap to Faith No More track on Friday?
Well, he did. And it ruled.