Jul 10, 2011 11:09
I miss LiveJournal of days past, when this was a happenin' place to be. Facebook blows.
Yeah, I said it.
May 17, 2006 09:44
Been gone for a while...shall be gone a little while longer. Yes, this is an ongoing thing.
Apr 25, 2006 10:52
If you're getting married, you should get your rings from greenkarat.com. No South African diamonds, recycled gold, ecologically and socially responsible? Bitchin'.
Apr 24, 2006 09:08
Goddammitt!!! Nobody asked me any questions in the post before last. You people really do hate me. =[
And I'm behind in comments and posting and such because LJ starts messing up after a while when I'm on here for "two long" so forgive me. I am not ignoring you in the least.
Apr 19, 2006 09:23
This is one of the better country songs out there...mainly because it's funny.
Apr 18, 2006 13:57
Ask me 1 question for each of the following:
1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
6. LiveJournal
No matter how rude, sexual, or confidential.
Then post this in your journal and see what questions you get asked!
Apr 18, 2006 12:00
Watching small children eat pet food while wearing cowboy boots is extremely entertaining. Just think about those tiny legs sticking out of those pointy boots while they chow down on Kibbles and Bits? This came to mind because I witnessed it last night. It was so funny that I didn't even bother to stop the kid.
Apr 17, 2006 10:24
I was just wondering but...what the hell is up with gaucho pants making a comeback? Weren't they a horrible enough fashion statement when they came out in the 70s or whatever?
Apr 12, 2006 11:05
Me gots new cool friends on my friends list. Welcome all!!!
(I add anyone who adds me because I'm sure we'll find something to talk about and I'll find some reason to like you, if I don't already...unless you're a Klansman or something...and that happened once before in my other journal...I think they still have me listed as a friend over there.)
Apr 06, 2006 15:42
Think about it...
If you can run a blacklight over a regular hotel room and find all that jizz on the walls, just think of how bad it must be at Sybaris...