(To me)
Things are taking the turn I predicted in the dojo. Yuu has practically made a bet with Yoshimitsu-san and my sister: if he's accepted in one of the Tōkyō roku daigaku, they'll let him become a full-time university student and future electronic engineer instead of an Aikido master. As a symbol of his decision, he even cut short the long black hair that was his trademark some weeks ago, and was allowed to cut some classes as long as he goes to cram school. Looks like Yoshimitsu-san is giving him the chance he didn't have when they were the same age, after having to choose his ownership of the dojo over his promising medicine career at Hosei University.
What does this mean? Either Meiko or Miki will become the main heir of the Takano dojo. Which of them? It's not certain. Meiko is the eldest twin as well as more emotionally-stable and levelheaded than her sister, but Miki is more ambitious and talented in the terms of raw Aikido skill. I could potentially become the heir too, though not only my possibilities are much minor because I'm just the brother-in-law to the Master of the dojo, but for my already stable career as a field agent.
Miki and Meiko are just 12-year-old. They just entered junior high. I can help them as much as possible through this, and maybe also help Yuu as he works his way into university (just like I did to enter Keio), but in the end their parents will have the last word on this...
((OoC: The "Tōkyō roku daigaku" or "Tokyo Six Universities" are six prominent universities located in the city and prefecture of Tokyo, all of them being very famous and prestigious as well as VERY competitive and hard to get in. These are: Tokyo (aka Toudai), Waseda, Keio, Hosei, Meiji, and Rikkyo/St Paul.
See more info here in Wikipedia.))