I'm getting worried - four episodes in a row I've liked; there's got to be a catch somewhere!
- I love, love, love the way they continue to show how comfortable Arthur and Merlin are around each other. Arthur taking Merlin's "order" without any retaliation just made me akdjskf. Also, "don't tell him [about the compliment], I'll never hear the end of it". <3 And Arthur anticipating what Merlin was going to tell him, and eventually getting into a conversation with Merlin by the fire rather than brushing him off. Not going to lie, the A/M relationship is by far the most important reason I'm watching this show, so I am a little terrified this is all just a prelude to something bad happening between them. I was already watching this ep with some trepidation, but nope, it just got better. May it continue to do so. (Pretty please?)
- BAMF!Merlin, fuck yeah. Love how determinedly he grabbed that sword and went after Arthur (though I kind of laughed at him running ahead of Gwaine - I'm just going to go with him being fuelled by his love for Arthur *ahem*), and also the spell in the tomb, yesss. I wonder if Morgana saw him - I'm guessing, knowing the show, probably not, but would have been interesting.
- I will also never get tired of watching Arthur swordfight. *g* Also, ugh, Arthur's face when he realises it's Morgana. Good moment, that.
- I was a little worried about what they were doing with Mithian and her being helpless, but I did like how determined she turned out to be to do something, and that she definitely wasn't a willing victim.
- I was really impressed with the way they did Morgana's make-up. You could tell it was her - but only if you knew. Where I always feel it takes some suspension of disbelief to believe that Arthur wouldn't recognise old!Merlin, I could readily believe they wouldn't recognise Morgana. I wish we'd seen a bit of her POV - it must have been really strange for her to interact with Merlin, Gwen and Arthur and pretend she didn't know or hate them at this stage.
- I must say, they have an interesting way of practicing medicine in Camelot. None of that made any sense whatsoever. *g*
- I'm not sure how I feel about Merlin interrupting Arthur as he was about to kill Odin. On the one hand, it was nice to see him listening to Merlin, and the episode did a good job of building up why it might come to that and reminding us why Arthur might not be entirely rational when it comes to Odin, but at the same time, I wish Arthur had come to that conclusion by himself. Still, it was nice that he changed his mind so quickly and pleaded his cause so passionately once he'd made his decision.
- Speaking of, whoa, are the writers suddenly remembering previous episodes? That was a nice bit of consistency and carrying through of previous plotlines. Not just the Mithian & Odin arcs, but also the "reuniting the lands" bit. It looked for a moment as though they had completely forgotten about that, but apparently not. Also, I guess that means we're not quite at the "golden age" yet? If they haven't united the lands yet? I'm not really sure where they're going with that.
- Gaius arguing with Merlin every time he sees something suspicious is getting a bit old. Especially as Merlin has been right just about every time. It was nice to see them remembering both how much Gaius cares about Merlin and that Gwaine cares, too, when Merlin got injured, though.
- Hee, that little look between Elyan and Gwaine when Gwaine shows up!
- I don't know what it is about the landscapes they're using this season, but they're all so pretty! I feel like they're really outdoing themselves in creating a different feel for every location.
- Again, an ep I liked overall. It had its flaws, but I feel like they're putting more of an effort into creating continuity this series, and the episodes feel better put together overall. Or maybe I'm just blinded by all the A/M interaction, I don't know, heh.