After last week, I was pretty worried about this week's episode, but I actually kind of liked it? I thought it had a S1-S2 vibe about it, though I can't quite explain why.
It did require quite a bit of suspension of disbelief - most notably that no one stood up for Merlin (even if the knights don't know about his magic, they know how loyal he is), and indeed that no one found it odd that Gwen of all people would turn on him so quickly. Also apparently Merlin has tweaked the ageing spell so that it doesn't just make Merlin get older, it also changes his clothes (and possibly his personality, heh). Handy, that. ;) Why he couldn't get out of his cell without Gaius' help is anyone's guess.
The guard he was arguing with was hilarious, though. Also, Percival's "that wasn't the wind" cracked me up for some reason. And, ha, Arthur being jealous of Merlin's interest in Gwen's clothes, and Arthur thoroughly debunking the possibility of Merlin being guilty. And poor Merlin having to climb right back down to the cells. But, aww, once more it's clear that he would do anything for Arthur, including scaling a wall that should by all rights be impossible to scale. <3 Also, hey, one of Merlin's healing spells actually worked on Arthur. That's a first, I think?
I really like that Angel's playing evil!Gwen with subtlety instead of going around smirking all the time. She's doing a good job both showing that she's changed camps (I guess this is necessary for the younger audience?), but still seeming like herself to everyone around her. Also, aww, I'm sorry, I can't help actually liking the Morgana and Gwen complicity. I know the set-up is really fucked up (and somewhat confusing - major suspension of disbelief required to believe Gwen now hates everyone), but I really wish there were some hint that Morgana was glad, perhaps, to have a friend again after being alone for so long. Some of the scenes don't make it impossible to interpret it that way, but something more explicit would be nice.
Also, I just want to say lol at Merlin noticing something's off with Gwen, but not her own husband. Really, writers. Although I suppose Arthur's flaw is that he trusts too easily, so perhaps he just doesn't want to see.
In spite of everyone buying the Merlin-as-the-culprit theory a little too easily, we continue to see Merlin being increasingly more comfortable in his position at court - the way he immediately jumped into theories and didn't hesitate in the least to express them (well, aside from implicating the queen, which, OK, I quite understand why that part would be tricky); it's obvious how much Arthur trusts him and lets him get away with.
As a sidenote, Leon pledging his allegiance to Gwen would have been rather adorable if not for the whole evil thing.
Also, the look Gwen and Merlin share at the end of the ep? Goosebumps, tbh. It feels like the writers have increasingly thrown the Merlin/Gwen friendship out the window (even last ep, Merlin apparently tried to save her because she means so much to Arthur, because neither Gwen nor Merlin can ever remember they're friends when Arthur's around), but hey, I'll take this instead. They might actually even remember they're friends after the spell (or whatever it is) is broken.
So, yeah, curious about next week. The trailer looks interesting, though I'm wary of getting my hopes up, but we'll see. :)