That was the headline on a website I was browsing for jewelry.
Yes, website-picturing-a-belt-with-a-duck-buckle, I am looking for something awesome. I have handgun hair clips and handcuff earrings, and I've found some brass knuckle barettes, but I do need more. Much more.
The product description is "the most popular belt in the world". And I believe it. And I want it. In fact, I want any belts/earrings/necklaces/accesories featuring:
ducks (rubber),
weaponry/artillery (morningstars, scythes, guns, bullets, brass knuckles, nunchucks, cannons/ howitzers, missile launchers, catapults,atomic bombs),
bondage equipment (whips,D-rings, corsetry ribboning, handcuffs),
food (cherries, lollipops)
and sexy things (pinup broads, spike heels, corsets).
Yes, I said
Morningstar: "Also called a morgenstern (German for morning star) and a ball and chain mace. By extending the weapon's center of gravity far from the hand, the wielder created a great deal of momentum in a swing. The increased force of impact upon the target was devastatingly effective against armored and unarmored opponents alike." This thing could pop you in the head over a shield, sweetface. What an awesome surprise.
She never misses.
Sexy fucking weapon right there, folks. I wish you really could use it like the schoolgirl in Kill Bill (without a handle, requiring more hip gyrating action). It is not a mace. It is not a flail. It is awesome, and I need two in miniature to dangle from my ears.