when it rains I am vain!

Oct 05, 2009 14:31

when it rains I am vain!

i have nothing to do on those days..
I was lazying around my room.. reading what gawd knows, watching what gawd knows and dreaming what gawd knows.

can you believe it! i forgot our assignments..(though i made one of those assignment when i felt inspire XD )

here in the Philippines.. when it rains it pours! that's why i was pretty scared for the dogs and animals out there..
i am a pet lover mostly for dogs... that's why when one of our dogs wails that she wants to go inside the house (she was placed inside the garage because her cage was outside).. my brother and sister put the t-shirt on her. ( by the way i was not with them... i was... doing my assignment! really! XP )

anyways here some photos!


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