What. The. Fuck?

Sep 30, 2008 09:29

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis, 1935

This is certainly the case in battleground states right now. Sorry for the extra ranty nature of this rant. I watch a great number of news stations. Read major newspapers. I wonder why this is not in them. Some asshats in the great state of Ohio decided that they needed to gas kids and babies at a place of worship. On Friday, Sept. 26. Have you heard about it? Why the hell not? Terrorism in Ohio. Middle America.

We can quibble about definitions - say this isn't "terrorism," but I, unlike the current administration, have a pretty good grasp on words. It's from the Latin - terrēre, to frighten, and related to the Greek - trein, to be afraid. When someone gasses kids and babies deliberately, with the intent to scare, intimidate, perhaps kill. I call that terrorism, mainly because there is no legitimate basis for this application of violence in pursuit of a political cause or aim.

What, you ask, is the political aim? To keep people in swing states so piss-in-their-pants-terrified that they'd vote for McCain. You see, the DVD "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" was distributed by the crapton in swing states. And in Ohio, the swingiest of the swing states, even more so. Am I alone in thinking these political tactics are, well, crazy?

Mainly because, shortly after the distribution of this hate-fest, scaremongering DVD, supported by the chair of the counter-terrorism department of the U.S. Naval War College - some jackass or jackasses decided that gassing kids and babies at a Ramadan prayer service was a great idea. Don't tell me to quit "whining" because no one was killed. Another hate parade DVD is scheduled for release in October. I'm sure the sequel is even "better" -read hate-imbued.

If that same event had happened at any Christian church - we would not have heard the end of that story, all the way to the election time, cited as an example that America was in dire need of a McCain presidency to fight the terrorists invading this country. As much as I disagree with Obama - it's a lot of the time - I think we might need to elect him to tell the rest of the world that our home-grown terrorists that gas kids while their parents are praying aren't the people electing the president here. That we don't want a war on the rest of the world for the next 100 years. 1000 years. As long as it takes. That we aren't ruled by hockey moms and war hawks. That there are sensible people still here, ignoring the bread and circuses of reality TV and trying to keep Rome from burning while the insane are playing their fiddles and tossing fuel on the fire and dancing in the flames.

Double sigh.

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