Apparently LJ has lost any posts I made since June 22. I swear I did at least one link since then! Anyway there are a number of posts up on DW that didn't make it here. I have been reading my LJ friends list regularly.
Comments 6
You have gotten a lot of stuff done despite your knee! So,what is the verdict on it?
What a pity your new canoe wasn't an improvement on the old one. Your lake does sound pretty windy. I guess now it's September, it's worse.
And what a cute little toilet! (The slang for them over here is 'dunny' :) )
This particular dunny is extremely poorly built, despite it's cuteness. The challenge has been to figure out a way to fix its problems without simply tearing it down and starting over. I think I have some good ideas, we'll see.
Sounds like you will have PLENTY of tomato products for the winter.
I'm going to plant more food in the garden this year. We have replaced so much soil out there that any lead contamination should be gone. Right now is the time to plant kale and other cole family plants.
I made BBQ sauce for the first time this year, when I had enough of the other tomato items in the freezer to get me through the winter.
I have a bed where I planted broccoli, brussels sprouts, turnips and swiss chard early in the season. They have been eaten down by cabbage worms four times now, but they keep coming back out. I can get a small harvest of chard each time, as the worms leave those for last, but the rest have not produced. I am hoping I can get better information on when I can grow the cole plants here.
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