Super Show Fan Account Part 1! :D

Jul 18, 2008 03:06

I am just gonna raise my hands in defeat and admit that if I wait until I’ve organized my thoughts until I write my fan account about the Super Show in Bangkok, I may never get to write it. So I’m just gonna try and remember everything that I can. And if I forget something I’m just gonna have to do another post now, don’t I? (also so I can try and get work done and get on with my life and update on other fandoms).

It’s really gonna be hard to do a proper account because the Super Show itself is a compendium of thirteen boy-men basically running around singing, dancing, entertaining (themselves and us) onstage generally being spontaneous and happy and it was a spectacularly messy and chaotic experience. And possibly the most fun I’d ever had with clothes on. Yes XD

1.) Intro + Edgy Songs Set

Basically the only memory I have of this set was when Siwon ripped opened his shirt, and, hmm, yeah. XD I did not expect that! I mean if anyone deserves to expose his chest it would be him (and I’d been kinda wishing he would just get over it and do it, and OMG the heavens heard XD)

Seriously though, the intro video was amazing! (First of all the DVD for this concert needed to come out, like, last month, because while its awesome to hear the audios, it’s a whole mind blowing experience to watch the videos and get visuals for the perfs!) I was kind of babo at the start, I started to record the intro clip clicked my phone and I was wondering why the time counter didn’t start moving. I was on camera mode, wtf >.< So when I finally switched to video mode, I caught the individual member intros, which is the intro for the One Love MV only the guy doing the introduction sounded bad-ass (and bore a striking resemblance to the intro-voice over for the O concert hahahaha).

Had a bit of a hard time watching the perfs at first cos I’m short and level with the stage but I craned my neck and the perfs were really all intense and bad-ass. They rocked! At this point I’m really just looking for Kangin and he performed really well. Okay and I also wanted to experience watching hip thrusts (of doom) for realz and OMG HAWT, KTHANX HYUK :D

The Don’t Don performance was preceded by screaming Kibum on a crane (more on Kibum hawtness later!) and this video of the members being mafia and kick-ass Han Geng being all Chinese Mafia and doing that flip thing with no hands that got me going, “Wow ang galeng ni Hang Geng mag-ano!” (you can actually hear me say that in the clip I took, gah) which means, “Wow, Geng has mad whachermacallit skillz!” I obviously meant kung fu whatchermacallit but are we really expected to be intelligible during concerts? Thank you.
Oh and Henry! I just have a really quick clip of him in his DD violin part. It was so cute I caught his expression as the crane went down and I swear he either had a grateful or sheepish expression on his face (SQUISHABLE!)

I don’t remember if Donghae ripped his shirt open here or in U perf but what I remember thinking was how cool that was and how a few steps later he’d have one button in place and few minutes later his shirt’s all buttoned up again XD Mad button closing skillz dat XD [I bet he practiced wahahaha]

2.) Intro Vid + Mirror Perf (Tan Blazer Set)

This set contains my favourite intro video clip. I like to call it the clip that just keeps on giving and giving XD It’s slow and sexy and needless to say HOT. First up we see Sungmin lying on the bed looking emo, then Kangin dipping down a tub and becoming Siwon as he emerges from the tub and Siwon drips water all over the place and then he takes a shower (and I just realized Siwon got an unusually long screen time compared to some others, but, omg chocolate exposure of win lmao XD) then it’s EunHyuk toweling off, and as he crosses the threshold of the bathroom its (Still!) shirtless Teukie grabbing a bottle of aftershave? (named---Emotion XD how apropos!) and dabbing some on his face and while patting his face he transforms to Donghae, and goes and chooses a shirt from a closet rack and as the shirts are parted it becomes Han Geng who looks mighty pleased with his choice of shirt. Then he wears the Tan Blazer of Win and as he flips it over he becomes KyuHyun who grabs a bottle of Bulgari cologne spritzes some on, grins on the mirror, walks barefoot and becomes ShinDong as he turns a corner, who picks out a necklace, and become Heechul as he wears the necklace, picks out a watch, and becomes Wookie, takes the car keys and crosses another threshold and becomes Kibum, rides the elevator and becomes Yesung as the elevator door closes.

How can they make dressing up in simple tan blazers and t-shirts be so sexy. HOW.
(do I really have to mention that fangurls go wild with each and every transformation? XD)
And that is the end of the clip that keeps on giving. Also called intro clip to Mirror perf. They sang Mirror live and it sounded very good. Donghae sings a lot here and as I was watching him on the big screen I noticed his eyebags in all its glory. Looked like he literally aged 10 years. Not flattering at all. Was it the light? Bad make-up? Tired from going around three countries in one week? Haggard looking Hae made me sad T_T

Still I love the perf for this song because it has nice harmony from the members who sang in it.

Ment # 1 seemed pretty short, which was understandable since they really couldn’t communicate a lot since they were in Thailand.

3.) You are My Endless Love + Dancing Out

YAMEL is one of their laidback but feel good songs and during this perf Sungmin and Han Kyung were by our spot. OMG, Han Geng smiles like the sun. He really looked so happy <3 IDEK. He’s just smiling a lot and looking happy and we are just charmed :D Sungmin jumps up and down raising his arms. Aegyo-ness <333

Intro Clip to Dancing out was this rollercoaster clip with Yesung, Hyuk, Teuk, Wookie, whose terrified expressions were just priceless. Only Sungmin and Kyu seems to be having fun hahaha XD It’s hilarious, in their scared expressions their heads suddenly turn into cartoons looking like they want to throw up and their eyeballs become oversized and all XD Then IDK if its Sungmin, but whoever is actually enjoying it preens and suddenly grows flower petals on his head. WHUT IS THIS FABULOUS CRACK <3333

Then they fly off the end of the rollercoaster become cartoons and kind of speed up towards 6 or something holes and you have the Dancing Out jumping out with fireworks effect. Seriously one of my favorite parts of the show :D Just a fantastic intro for an upbeat feelgood song :D

Oh. This is also the part where I am ruined for life. Because I was subject to Kibum hotness and I have not yet recovered. His slide thing (I mean the thing that transports them across the audience ok) stops at our spot so he stays there for a bit. OMG HE IS SO FREAKING HOT OKAY. Like, before this I acknowledged he is very cute but he was never really one of my fave members. BUT OMG HIS SEXYNESS AND CHARM CUTS THRU ANYTHING. Basically he was just enjoying himself and looked so happy and DID I MENTION HE’S REALLY HOT. He has a dangerous effect on women. Seriously. He’s just having fun and being naturally charming and I’m all “OMFG WAI SO EFFING HOT WAI T_T_T_T_T_T_T” His smile disarms nuclear weapons. It certainly made me into a believer XD He sang in the end and he did their bow and said “Hi!” in his deep American sounding voice and I’m just lucky to be still alive okay.

I for serious realz recommend experiencing Kibum hotness live and in person before one dies. You really won’t understand until you do. When he is happy like that he just gives out this…words fail okay. TV does him no justice. It’s an experience. Trust me on this one. If it is possible to bottle his essence of hotness and sell it as concert merchandise. I KIDD NOT. I seriously take back all the bad things I ever said about him. With Interest. When I say that thank God Kibum looks handsome I mean I am literally thanking God for this.

(okay done spazzing about Kibum hotness. NOT. XD)


4). Intro Vid + The Night Chicago Died

I SERIOUSLY LOVE THE INTRO CLIPS FOR THE PERFS. They are a performance in itself and they’re just so funny. For TNCD, you have Kyu and Yesung being all Cowboy Western (Kyu is Cowboy and Yeh is Mexican XD) and involved in a duel, only hotdogs and hamburgers come out of their guns.XD WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THIS FANTASTIC CRACK SHOULD BE GIVEN AN AWARD I SWEAR.

Here I have a clip of Kyu looking like the magnae that he is. He acts like he’s eleven and totally enjoying himself on the play horsie and the plastic water gun. ITS ENDEARING YO. I have no idea where Yesung disappeared to, but then you suddenly have Ryeo Wook on his plushie horse and he’s HOPPING onstage and looking like he’s having a hard time OHMYGOD WAI SO SQUISHABLE WAI <3333 He’s basically giving Kyu competition on who can act more aegyo/ magnae-like. Its really so cute how he an only  hop short distances and I’m seriously wondering if he can reach the end of the platform  in time for the end of the song. TNCD is also one of the songs that made an impression to me because the sound is so classic and the KRY vocals are fantastic and lent liveliness to the song, plus how they executed the perf with all the crack elements was just WIN :D

5.)  My Everything

Mercifully Donghae looked less haggard here. He sang in the middle platform and in the background screen they showed various photos of him. Photos with other members and friends. I wanted to see the pics with his appa though and they showed that at the end of the song, where his appa is already wearing a hospital gown T_T Really touching stuff. The last pic showed his dad give him a peck on the cheek. T_T He really deserves this solo stage as a tribute for his dad who wasn’t able to see him gain this much success. I’m sure he’s proud of Donghae wherever he is.

[Part 2]

super junior, super show, spazz, concert, bangkok, k-pop

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