Keep Calm Before Xmas

Dec 28, 2012 11:53

Title: Keep Calm Before Xmas
Author: ranzeratihmcfly
Beta: koigaii thanks a lot for your help *kiss*
Pairing: YabuNoo
Rating: PG-13
Genre: drama?
Disclaimer: Yabu Inoo aren’t mine =(
Type: drabble

English Version

“I’m so sorry Kei… I bothered you this time…” Takaki took the tote bag containing spare clothes and other stuff he needed during his stay in hospital where his father was admitted. “When the ambulance came, I haven’t been able to take all of these with me…”

Inoo patted his childhood friend who’s also his neighbor, “I’m not a stranger you know. Drop all the formalities…” He chuckled and squeezed Takaki’s shoulder a little bit firmer. “I’m glad I could help.”

Takaki smiled, “Since my mom passed away, it’s only you and my father that I have…” His voice cracking.

“Shhh… Hush… Your dad will be just fine….”

They walked along the corridor heading to the room of Takaki’s father. Two hours ago Takaki called Inoo, telling him that his father had just undergone a heart surgery and now he’s back to the regular room.

“What is it?” Inoo asked as Takaki abruptly stopped at the crossroad of the corridors.

“There was someone there, sitting next to that Christmas tree…” Takaki said pointing the large tree. “He was really messy. The nurse said that he was here since 2 weeks ago, accompanying his father who got stroke attack…”


Inoo stayed with Takaki for a while before he excused himself since he got some errands to do.

He walked while humming random tunes. He doesn’t know why, but suddenly he remembers someone. Someone whom he hasn’t met for the longest time. “Four days in a row, you keep coming to my dream…” Inoo bit his lower lips, bearing a painful feeling in his heart, missing someone. “I hope you’re doing fine…”

Again at that crossroad of the corridors, he stopped. His heartbeat accelerated. “Now way! This can’t be happening… I must be mistaken. I didn’t even ask any Christmas present this year.”

Inoo continued his steps slowly. He’s heading the direction to someone, someone whom might be described by Takaki earlier. That someone was sitting near the Christmas tree busy with his phone, his hair was messy with a plain white T-shirt covered by red-green checkered shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He was messy, indeed. But he was handsome.

Inoo walked closer. He stopped right in front of the man and reached out his hand. The man was startled by Inoo’s action. He looked up to see the owner of the hand with those slender fingers and pale skin.

“I’m your savior,” Inoo said, then flashing his angelic smile.

“Kei?!” The man was surprised.

Inoo tried to hold back his laughter, “Maybe it was fate already…”

“Ohh please spare me…” That man let out a sigh.

“Why? Aren’t you happy?” Inoo was still smiling. “Won’t you reach out and take my hand?”

Once again the man sighed, a bit heavier this time.

“C’mon… you already rejected me once two years ago. Don’t put me in shame for the second time…” Inoo whined.

The man laughed. “Well, I guess… Well tonight is Christmas eve. No one shall be sad. Everyone must be happy, including you…”

“Well, that’s better. That’s how The Handsome Yabu Kota is. It’s not a waste that a adored you all this time.”

And they both laughed.

“Would you like a cup of hot chocolate, Kei? Let me treat you, my savior…”

“Sure. Whatever it is as long as it’s with you…”

“Hey, don’t get me wrong okay? I still like girls and prefer one. Tonight, just tonight I’ll return your feeling. Take it as Christmas gift.”

“Thank you then. Merry Christmas, Kou…”

“Merry Christmas, Kei…” and so Yabu took Inoo’s hand, taking him to the hospital canteen.

Inoo was happy. It doesn’t matter if it’s just one night that he can laugh along with Yabu. Inoo was still thankful for this meeting. And tomorrow he will try to find the reset button in his heart, reseting his feeling towards Yabu. Tomorrow he shall be reborn, clean and pure. Living the fate- Yabu was not meant for him. =))

Lame story?
Lame title?
Gomen ne… hope you guys enjoy reading this >.<
Happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates
I know it’s kinda late, but Merry Xmas ;)
God bless *\^u^/*

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

“Maaf ya Kei, aku jadi merepotkanmu” Takaki meraih tote bag berisi baju ganti dan barang yang dia butuhkan selama menunggui Ayahnya di Rumah Sakit. “Saat ambulance datang aku tidak sempat membawa semua ini.”

Inoo menepuk bahu sahabat kecilnya itu, yang juga tetangga sebelah rumahnya. “Seperti dengan orang lain saja. Aku senang bisa membantu.”

Takaki tersenyum. “Sejak Ibuku meninggal, hanya kau dan Ayahku yang aku punya…”

“Sudah sudah.. Ayahmu pasti akan baik-baik saja…”

Mereka berjalan di koridor menuju ruang tempat Ayah Takaki dirawat. Dua jam yang lalu Takaki memberitahu Inoo bahwa Ayahnya baru saja menjalani operasi jantung dan sekarang sedang menjalani masa pemulihan.

“Ada apa?” Tanya Inoo saat Takaki tiba-tiba berhenti di persimpangan koridor

“Tadi ada seseorang disana, duduk disamping pohon Natal itu. Berantakan sekali. Perawat disini bilang dia sudah di Rumah Sakit ini sejak 2 minggu yang lalu. Dia menunggui Ayahnya yang kena stroke.”


Inoo menemani Takaki untuk beberapa saat sebelum akhirnya pamit pulang karena ada beberapa hal yang harus segera diselesaikannya.

Dia berjalan sambil berguman sendiri, entah kenapa tiba-tiba teringat pada seseorang yang sudah lama tak ditemuinya. “Empat hari berturut-turut kau menemuiku di dalam tidurku…” Inoo menggigit bibirnya, menahan sakit di hati yang disebut rindu. “Kuharap kau baik-baik saja.”

Di persimpangan koridor Inoo berhenti. Jantungnya berdegup kencang. “Hah? Mana mungkin? Aku pasti salah. Lagipula aku tidak meminta hadiah apapun dari Santa untuk Natal tahun ini.”

Inoo melangkah perlahan, ke arah pemuda yang mungkin dimaksud Takaki tadi. Pemuda itu duduk di samping pohon Natal, sibuk dengan handphone, rambutnya acak-acakan, memakai kaos putih dan kemeja lengan panjang kotak-kotak berwarna merah-hijau, celana jeans, dan sneakers. Tampan, meskipun berantakan.
Inoo berjalan semakin mendekat. Ia berdiri tepat di depan pemuda tampan itu, dan kemudian mengulurkan tangannya.

Si pemuda terheran-heran melihat uluran tangan yang tiba-tiba itu. Dia mendongak untuk memastikan siapakah pemilik jari-jari nan lentik berkulit putih pucat itu.

“Aku juru selamatmu,” Inoo berkata pada pemuda tersebut, sambil tersenyum a la malaikat.

“Kei?!” pekik si Pemuda kaget.

Inoo tertawa tertahan. “Mungkin memang sudah takdir.”

“Yang benar saja…” pemuda itu mendesah.

“Kenapa? Sepertinya kau tidak senang?” Inoo masih tersenyum. “kau tidak mau meraih tanganku?”

Sekali lagi pemuda itu mendesah.

“Ayolah. Kau sudah menolakku sekali dua tahun yang lalu. Jangan membuatku merasa malu untuk yang kedua kalinya.”

Si pemuda tertawa. “Yah, setidaknya ini malam Natal. Tidak ada yang boleh bersedih. Semua harus merasa bahagia, termasuk kau.”

“Nah begitu dong, kau memang si tampan Yabu Kota. Tidak sia-sia aku memujamu selama ini.”
Mereka pun tertawa.

“Kau mau coklat panas, Kei? Biar kutraktir, kau kan juru selamatku”

“Apapun, asal denganmu, Kou”

“Hei, jangan salah paham ya, aku tetap menyukai perempuan, hanya malam ini saja aku akan membalas perasaanmu. Anggaplah sebagai hadiah Natal.”

“Ahahahaha.” Inoo terbahak. “terima Kasih. Selamat Natal, Kou.”

“Selamat Natal, Kei…” dan Yabu pun meraih tangan Inoo, memandunya ke arah kafetaria di Rumah Sakit tersebut.

Inoo benar-benar merasa senang. Tidak apa walau hanya satu malam dia bisa tertawa bersama Yabu. Dia mensyukuri pertemuan ini. Dan besok dia akan mulai berusaha untuk menetralkan perasaannya terhadap Yabu. Besok dia akan benar-benar terlahir kembali, menjadi suci dan bersih. Dan mengikhlaskan bahwa Yabu memang bukan untuknya. =))

fanfic, yabunoo

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