Hi there! I'm Patricia...or br0k3n_dr3am5 in livejournal...i saw your community, and i thought it would be appropiate to ask you for a little help...
I made a self injury banner for the national SI day (March 1, 2005) and i would like to ask you to post the banner in your community...
My goal for this is to pass it on, to educate a few people by letting them in the reality that many people are going through... If you want to see the entry, and see what i'm talking about, go to my LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/br0k3n_dr3am5
I would really appreciate it if you would help me accomplish my goal...
Comments 1
I'm Patricia...or br0k3n_dr3am5 in livejournal...i saw your community, and i thought it would be appropiate to ask you for a little help...
I made a self injury banner for the national SI day (March 1, 2005) and i would like to ask you to post the banner in your community...
My goal for this is to pass it on, to educate a few people by letting them in the reality that many people are going through...
If you want to see the entry, and see what i'm talking about, go to my LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/br0k3n_dr3am5
I would really appreciate it if you would help me accomplish my goal...
<3 Patricia
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