Was it just me, or did it seem a little lackluster?
So Future Ninja Hiro knows that if Peter interferes and takes action in the present, his existence will cease being. I guess he came to terms with that when he contacted him and told him "what he needed to hear", but seriously, he couldn't have just said "You've seen Isaac's floor mural. New York go buck-yoo*! There's other people with special powers just like you. They're so and so. The most important one is this cheerleader. Get to Odessa, TX now and save her!"
Whatever. Time is such a fickle thing to mess with.
So, Claire's dad has this very weird job that lets him travel around the country daily to places like Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York to find these heroes to analyze. Wife doesn't know. Kids don't know. Or maybe his bald buddy can teleport him around. It's the only way one can explain how he can be in Vegas in the morning to pick up Nathan and back home in the afternoon to check on Claire post-vehicular manslaughter/accident. If the show could only include timestamps with each new scene... like 24.
Hiro and Ando get dumped in the desert after being caught cheating in Vegas. The show makes it look convenient that the thugs dropped them off next to a restuarant. Umm, bad idea on the thugs part? Then again, I bet it happens all the time that no one bats an eyelash. And Nathan lands right next to the restaurant, but only Hiro saw him. Nooo one else in that place noticed a man soaring in from the sky? Suuurrre...
In several scenes, the protagonists are talking about hero ability and other things at a level far above whispering in crowded places. Peter and Mohandir in the subway. Ando and Hiro in the restaurant. Smartly, Hiro and Nathan were fine...
Finally, Ando arriving at Niki's place. Cops didn't stop him at all? They had several cars outside to make sure D.L. didn't come near the house, but they didn't bother to stop a japanese man from approaching and hold him for questioning? He also just opens the door to her house like he owned the place. Not very smart.
I definitely enjoy the show, but I'm catching some faulty bits in the writing. I should just enjoy it and stop analyzing things.
* I believe it's common in Japan to use this for explosions and *bang* sound effects