Going ahead with day 3, the last day. It all went so quickly. Well, what do you expect for a 3 day trip? *G*
Another shaky night of sleep - or lack thereof. We were both awake even earlier today, shortly after 6:00am. Got to the breakfast room by around 7:15, beating the crowds again. Only difference from yesterday was with the meat - double the sausage, no ham. Weird that they didn't do bacon at all, but we were only there for 2 mornings. Headed back to the room to finish packing, and we put up the "Do not disturb" sign so we wouldn't surprise any of the cleaning staff. Hauled everything downstairs and got checked out before 9:00am. And away we go...err...went!
Since we didn't get to Summerside on the way in, we decided to go there on the way home. There were a few choices for our route (TransCanada to Borden-Carleton, then to Summerside, or Hwy #2 through Kensington to Summerside), both were close to the same amount of time. I opted for Highway 2. Something we'd seen yesterday, and again today, were road signs, warning drivers to be cautious that there might be horse & buggies in the area. Sandra remembered reading that some Amish families had moved to the Island a few years ago.
Well, we actually got to see the reason for the signs - along the side of the road was...well, a difference of opinion. I was sure there had been two horse/buggies, Sandra thought there was just one. Regardless of the number, we had seen some Amish folk. That was pretty cool.
We got to Spinnaker's Landing in Summerside shortly before 10:00 and we had to wait a little while for the shops to open. And apparently I offended some driver. I pulled into a parking spot next to another car with some people sitting in it. I hadn't even put the car in Park yet when the car next to us pulled ahead, across the way, to another spot. Guess they didn't want anyone parking next to them. I was slightly tempted to pull ahead and park next to them again but I behaved myself.
Once the shops opened, we did some shopping at Celtic Mist, wandered around a little bit, then headed to Gateway Village, where we shopped at...Celtic Mist. That store got a fair bit of money from the two of us this trip. Didn't get lunch this time, got something from the candy store next to the burger place from Friday. Sandra got a Nanaimo Bar, I got some cherry ice cream, which was tasty.
Stopped to get gas at the Esso station that was supposed to have a full serve pump. They lied. I got out and pumped gas...myself! And it worked smoothly. Amazing how much better things work when the instructions are correct.
*holds up hands* See these hands? These hands pump gas.
Hee hee
Tapped my card to pay to leave the Island (which is now up to $47.50, but that's cheaper than the $79 to take the ferry). The drive home was fairly uneventful, stopped at the Amherst tourist bureau again (which was a ittle busier than it had been on Friday), stopped into Truro to use the faciities at McD's (holy crap it was INSANELY busy), got home somewhere betwen 3:00-3:30.
When I got home, I was greeted by Coal who wanted to go out so badly when I got home. I had been worried how he'd be, but he seemed to make out fine while I was gone.
So glad to have finally gotten away, even if it was just for a few days.