Mar 23, 2007 19:27
- Kid does not think this is a great idea, no. As far as he's concerned he's pretty much catching a chick on the rebound which, as public TV tells him, is kind of not very good at all. He also thinks he's the only person in the entire universe who ever thinks things through sometimes.
- Kid likes Mamori a lot.
- This is your moderately typical high school relationship, guys, and while he IS completely and utterly prepared to give her what she wants he knows for a fact he isn't what she needs and that this is all really only temporary until, A, they go home and Hiruma's there or B, Hiruma comes back. He is very conscious of this. It doesn't really depress him or even drag him down all that much and if it ever ends, especially because of Hiruma, then Kid will let it end quietly and also probably be more annoyed than depressed. Kid anticipates failure.
- Kid often wonders if he's the kind of guy who always wants the things he can't have, but if he actually gets them he doesn't know what to do with them. Or worse, stops wanting them.
- Kid knows there are other fish in the sea, that Mamori isn't exactly the most unique and special snowflake, etc. He doesn't really care and, when she was with Hiruma, didn't put any energy into finding someone else to fixate on because he figures these things pass when they pass. He'd like to avoid hurting Mamori at any cost, including his own expense, but--while he said there was a lot he would do, the inverse also applied: there's a lot he wouldn't do for the sake of just preserving the relationship.
- Kid has problems with the word "girlfriend".
- Kid just generally has problems with things that might make him happy. Because he is a massive failure at everything ever.
- Abel originally bought Albert at the bachelor auction because of some mild and bizarre physical resemblance to Tres. Also he wanted a bitch and a heterosexual life partner in camp. But then people put gay in his cereal. You bastards.
- Abel is okay with entering a not-relationship in camp right now because as far as his head is concerned, he's in a good place. His last encounter with Esther managed to convince him that it was really worth trying to be a part of society and reinforced his belief that he can do good things for people, so he's not as--distanced from people, he's getting up close and personal with them and, well. Shit happens when you do that, and before Albert turned into a chick he was pretty much on the same level as Esther was up to TB volume four in terms of general significance to Abel, how fond he was of Albert, and also notably how far he'd be willing to go to make sure Albert's head doesn't get eaten, except--there's no "just a kid" or "like a daughter" mental roadblock to get over, so pretty much it boils down to the usual obstacles: Crusnik and Abel's own inability to get close to people.
- When Albert walled him as a girl pretty much every instinct told him to end the relationship right there. But then he realized that would be a shitty thing to do.
- If anyone lays a finger on Albert Abel is going to quite literally eat them alive.
- Abel has this thing about putting his mouth on Albert. Which is, in fact, exactly what it sounds like. But is somehow completely unrelated to the previous point.
- Albert is a FRIEND FIRST and not-boyfriend second, and while Abel does consider himself a positive aspect of Albert's camp life, if someone else came along who Abel figures would be an acceptable substitute for him then he'd step down quietly because he is Abel and has a myriad of problems.
I HIATUS. Till next Wednesday, 'cause, err. Moving.