I've managed to not purchase the internet or cable, I've kept away from my crazy internet addiction and wendys for the most part, and I've managed to suck at keeping in contact with life lol.
I have about 31 hours of classes a week and I'm loving it. I feel really productive and doing all of this semi-monitonious work has given me a greater love and appreciation for the art I create on my own. I appreciate other artists work a hell of a lot more now too. I feel as though im not getting quite a grip of the liberal arts work so I need to buckle down a little more in general and make sure I dont eat shit and fuck up my grades. I've met a shit ton of different people and made a whacky amount of new comrads. I got to see one of Q and not U's last shows EVER! and I do have to say it was fucking amazing. I went to a noise show the other day and it wasnt that great. I have tons of fun shows lined up to keep me amused when I'm not cracking away at the art. Since I've been here the bipolar "awesomeness" of my life has been trying to play a few tricks on me but I've been holding a grip on things and not letting that part of my life overwhelm me. I'm happy I've been able to subdue it thus far. I feel pretty alone in such a big city. I used to feel alone back at home but it magnifies when you are surrounded by such big things. I get told I'm negetive a lot. I never really thought I was that negetive but everyone else seems to think I am. I dont even feel as if I take a negetive approach to life. I never thought I was negetive so I'm guessing its the outlook that has been imbedded in me since I was a kid. I walked 3 miles to try a pats cheesesteak. It was awesome and walking that much made me not feel so gross after eating it. One night at like 2am we covered my buddy dan in siq tats made out of sharpie. I made lots of crazy friends sooooo I'll ramble off a little 411 on each honorable mention.
jess: my roommate from maryland, shes a bitch and shes crazy. likes to cook and clean. sews a fucking storm. wants to jump off a building in only angel wings, a tinfoil halo, and stilletos in hopes of landing on someone and it becoming a headlining story on the nightly news.
dory: from pennsylvania. she has bright red hair and is really funny. she rides horses and loves chai tea. we go whacky at late hours and stare at boys on bikes. we rock out with homework parties.
george: crazy guy from long island. loves having a good time and has a ridiculous sense of humore. honorable mention goes out to his funny accent.
steve alvarez: my homie from viezi(sp?,)maine. ya thats right krystal hes from right near bangor. really funny and hates "faggots" but thats because hes gay. hes soooo much like jose its not even funny. we represent new england pride biotch.
max hartley: well, what the fuck cant I say about this kid. I think everyone collectively agrees that max is fuckin sweet.hes from florida and he has the best sense of humor ive ever come across and the kid is amazingly talented. he wears sick brazilian soccer shoes, which by the way max, I am severely jealous of. He can seriously windex those things.
dan haddigan: hes another crazy bitch from pennsylvania. he and his roommates have an issue with cleanliness. they all get really rowdy at night. creating situations with siq homemade tattoos and his roommate steve getting yelled at for throwing chinese food onto the ceramics building. this kid is a non stop party and hes awesome to go to shows with.
dan-emo: jersey boy. hes the salt to max's pepa. they are a comedy dream team. max would be nepoleon and dan-emo would be kip. he always wheres awesome pants and hes great at picking out clothes for our buddy natala.
brad: from richmond, virginia. he has foundation classes with me, dory, and steve alvarez. he makes fun of me for "goofy shit" and saying wicked. I make fun of him because he sounds like a redneck.
there are so many other friggin people I cant even think of shit to type right now. all and all things have been awesome and busy. I walk alot and ride my bike. I take elevators up to high places. I fuck up in screenprinting and get ink all over my pants and cell phone haha. I love tommy gunns bbq and there are soooooooo many hot dudes on bikes and tattoo dudes on south street. I have no balls and will never say jack shit to these saucy bitchs. I'm losing my mind cause its fucknig late and tomorrow I will make a corrigated cardboard box in the shape of a van.
I love all of you and here are some pictures for you! (Curtousy of everyone else since I dont own a camera)
my room mate jess cooking in our kitchen
part of my living room before we decorated
this is jess and me hanging outside of the spruce dorms
This is Dory! shes my friend and we have classes together. we happen to be doing homework in this picture.
this is me giving mr haddigan some siq tats
meet dan haddigan
dan is an A-hole and took a picture when I wasnt paying attention
this is my crazy next door neighbor max