Who: Peony and Jade
What: They're kids again due to the disaster~
When: Feb 19th, 2009
Where: Grand Chokmah to Keterburg
Why: Cause we can.
Warnings: severe retardation none?
Jade: [somehow managed to get out without setting Guy on fire]
Peony: [is hiding in some bushes, picking berries and eating them as he waits]
Jade: [watching the bushes rustle] .......... [hoots like an owl]
Peony: [whistles, though it sounds funny because of the missing tooth]
Jade: [little kid giggle] [waves his arm at the bush] It's safe!
Peony: [hops out and grins, mouth stained red from the berries] Jade!
Jade: Peony! [runs over to him] [huuuuuuug]
Peony: [hugs back extra tight] I'm glad you got here quick! I didn't want to sleep out here alone.
Jade: [HUUUUUGGGG] I had to stowaway on a boat to get here.
Peony: [:O] Really? Are we going to stow away to get back home, too?
Jade: We may have to. [takes his hand] Come on! We have to get as far as we can before it gets dark!!!
Peony: [holds on tight] Okay! [takes off running toward the building he'd come out of earlier - military headquarters] I saw a bunch of boats and things over this way!
Jade: [doing his best to keep up] Anything big enough for us to slip into easily?
Peony: I'm not sure, I was trying to get somewhere safe to hide. [slows down a bit for Jade <3]
Jade: [thanks 8U <3] Well... we can always steal a small boat. Keterburg isn't that far from here.
Peony: Just don't get caught! We don't want a fleet chasing after us.
Jade: We won't get caught. We're secret agents.
Peony: Right, Agent Fonist!
Jade: Let's go, Agent Rappig!
Peony: [nearing the palace] We've got to be extra careful right here. If anyone recognizes me, it could be big trouble!
Jade: Hmmm. I have an idea. [pulls Peony over and behind a building] Wait here.
Peony: Where are you going. [is a little worried, but tries to look brave]
Jade: I'll be right back. I'm just gonna get you a disguise.
Peony: Okay. Hurry up!
Jade: Don't worry! [runs over to a store] [quickly comes back out with a bag]
Peony: [was counting while waiting, but as soon as Jade gets back, forgets what number he was on] That was fast!
Jade: I go to the shop in Keterburg a lot for Nephry, so the owner knew me. [pulls out... a dress] Here we go!
Peony: {stares] Couldn't you have gotten me a boy disguise?
Jade: They won't expect a girl!
Peony: [pouts] B-but...
Jade: Hurry up! [trying to hide the fact that he actually stole it >_>]
Peony: [reluctantly puts on the dress] I look stupid.
Jade: No you don't. You look pretty! [ties Peony's hair back] There!
Peony: Really? [doesn't seem to sure about this, but it's too late to argue now] [pants totally showing out from under the dress]
Jade: [notices] :O Take off your pants.
Peony: [whines] do I have to?
Jade: They stick out! Take them off!
Peony: Fine! [takes them off] This is so weird.
Jade: Secret agents do this all the time. [takes the pants from him and folds them into a pack he brought] Ready?
Peony: Male secret agents do not dress like girls! [crosses arms and pouts]
Jade: Do too! I'll prove it to you when we get home.
Peony: Fine, but if you can't prove it to me, you're going to have to dress like a girl in front of all of Keterburg.
Jade: Deal. Now let's go. [takes his hand again and drags him towards the harbor]
Peony: [hopes no one stops them] You have to pinky swear once we get on a boat.
Jade: Okay. Do you need me to slow down since you're in a dress?
Peony: No, I'm fine. [hikes up the dress a little to make running easier]
Jade: [holds back a laugh] Okay! [runs and hides behind another small building] We want to go on... [uses his ninja eyesight to find a ship headed to Keterburg] That one!
Peony: You sure? [just sees a bunch of ships that look the same]
Jade: Yes. We can probably stowaway while they're loading up. [another point]
Peony: If we wind up in the wrong place, it's all your fault!
Jade: We won't!
Peony: We better not.
Jade: Trust me!
Peony: I do, but... things are weird. Everything looks too different from the last time I was here...
Jade: [has no idea] Really?
Peony: Yeah... I mean, just little things, like some of the trees are bigger than I remember. A lot bigger. Unless I'm just remembering wrong. [frowns]
Jade: It's been a long time since you've been back, right?
Peony: Yeah... but I don't think trees grow that quickly.
Jade: Your memory could just suck.
Peony: It does not!
Jade: You can't even remember the right size of trees!
Peony: Shut up! I can too!
Peony: [drags Jade over to one of the trees] I climbed this one once. But it's too tall for me to climb now. [jumps for the lowest branch and misses by a lot]
Jade: [blinks] [totally believes his best friend over anything else in the whole wide world] That is weird...
Peony: I know! Anyway, let's get on that ship. I want to get home! [tugs at Jade's hand] I want to dress like a boy again.
Jade: [thinking about the whole 'from the past' thing] ...Okay.
Peony: [tugs harder] Jaaaaaaade... come on.
Jade: I'm coming! You're too clingy! [moves forward]
Peony: I am not! [goes at Jade's pace so he doesn't complain about Peony being too fast, either]
Jade: Are t-SHHH.
Peony: [almost says something, but quickly shuts his mouth] [hides behind Jade]
Jade: [starts sneaking behind some boxes] [whisper] be quiet.
Peony: [whisper] okay.
Jade: [whisppeeeerrrrrrrr] Okay. When they turn around, we hop behind that box there. [points to one just about ready to be loaded] Ready?
Peony: [nods vigorously]
Jade: [holds his hand tight] Okay... now! [sprints forward]
Peony: [almost trips over his dress, but manages to regain his balance]
Jade: [FFFFFFFF] [pulls Peony and pretty much throws him behind the box] [hops right after him before they're discovered]
Peony: [falls to the ground and skins his knee] Ow, Jade!
Jade: You almost made us miss!
Peony: Well sooooorry. If it weren't for this stupid dress, there wouldn't have been a problem.
Jade: If it weren't for that dress, we wouldn't be here!
Peony: [opens mouth to argue, but them clamps it shut and pouts instead because he can't think of an argument]
Jade: [victoly] Now come on. We should find some space before we're crushed.
Peony: [gets up and within moments forgets about his knee scrape] Okay. I've never stowed away before.
Jade: It's easy. Come on, we just need to find a corner.
Peony: [is looking around at everything] You mean we don't have to hide inside a box?
Jade: They don't check the corners, and if we hide inside of a box, we'll probably have another box piled on top of us.
Peony: Oh. That wouldn't be good. [points to a corner] How about that corner?
Jade: Okay. [runs over to it]
Peony: [squishes close to Jade once they're both seated in the corner]
Jade: [squishes back] Your knee.
Peony: Oh yeah. [lifts up the dress to expose his knee]
Jade: [wishes he could use the seventh fonon] [blots at it with the edge of his sleeve instead]
Peony: [wishes Jade could use it, too] Thanks. [grins]
Jade: It's my fault. [fusses over it]
Peony: [let's him fuss for a bit then holds out pinky] You have to make that pinky swear now about the secret agent stuff.
Jade: Oh right! [crosses his toes before agreeing to it] [pinky swear! ...kind of]
Peony: [grins] Did you know what happens if you cross anything while making a pinky swear? The person you're swearing with will cross you.
Jade: I didn't cross anything.
Peony: I didn't say you did.
Jade: [pout]
Peony: [smirks] I knew it, you did! You crossed something!
Jade: I did not!
Peony: Did too!
Jade: [push] Did not!
Peony: [pushes back] Did too.
Jade: [hit!] Did not!
Peony: [hits back] Did too!
Jade: [HIT] Did not!!!
Peony: Did too! Did too! Did too! [wrestling with him now]
Jade: Shut up! I did not! Stupid! [HAIR YANK]
Peony: You're stupid and you crossed your fingers! [hair yank, too!]
Jade: I did not! And I hate you! [ELBOW TO THE FACE NO JUTSUU]
Peony: [Punches Jade in the face] I HOPE YOU GET EATEN BY A MONSTER!!!!
Jade: [punches Peony in the gut] YOU'RE FATTER SO THEY'LL EAT YOU FIRST!!!
Peony: I'M NOT FAT! THEY'LL EAT YOU FIRST BECAUSE YOU'RE AN EGGHEAD! [knees Jade in the stomach]
Peony: [rolls them until Jade hits up against a stack of boxes] DON'T BE STUPID, WHY WOULD I BE JEALOUS OF THAT?
Peony: SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! YOU'RE LYING! [starting to throw a tantrum]
Peony: I HATE YOU!
Jade: GO DIE!
Jade: NO YOU!
YES YOU ARE! *head hit*
Peony: [tackles] I AM NOT!
Jade: [throws him off] ARE TOO!
Peony: I AM NOT!
Jade: [low blow D:]
Peony: [well, that was a low blow, too D:]
Jade: I don't care that they're dead! [B<]
Peony: I don't believe you!
Jade: Shut up!
Peony: You shut up!
Jade: [storms over to his own corner] You stay over there! You'll get your stupid all over me!
Peony: Fine! I don't want you near me anyway! [crosses arms and pouts]
Peony: [is still afraid of the dark at this age] [tries not to cry because he's scared] [pulls knees up and hugs them to his chest]
Jade: [is sort of okay with the lights going out] [IS THE BIG BOY]
Peony: [is only okay with no lights when there's someone next to him, or he has Mr Snorkles]
Jade: [will kill Mr Snorkles when they get back] [hears creaking] ...Peony?
Peony: [better not B|] J-Jade... [the fear can be heard in his voice]
Jade: [He'll think about it] [hears that Peony's afraid, and crawls over] [thankful for his sharp eyesight, so he can just make out where the boxes are]
Peony: [waits a minute before a loud creak is heard and then starts clinging tightly to Jade] You di-didn't tell me it was going to be d-dark down here...
Jade: [has to be the grown up now B<] [hugs Peony tightly] You'll get used to it.
Peony: I'm sorry I yelled at you. I don't hate you and I don't want you to die. [wipes at his eyes from where he almost started crying]
Jade: I'm sorry too. I don't hate you and I don't want you to die either. [helps him wipe his eyes] And I'm sorry about what I said about you being trapped.
Peony: I'm sorry about what I said about your parents.
I'm sorry for calling you a Jerkface.
Peony: I don't remember you calling me that.
Jade: ....Oh. >_>
Peony: It's okay.
Jade: [hugs tighter] ...We're still friends, right?
Peony: [clings tighter] Always.
Jade: [CRUSH] Best friends right?
Peony: Best friends forever! [isn't so scared now]
Jade: [smile!] All right.
Peony: [grins then yawns] Wake me when we get to Keterburg. [snuggles up and falls asleep with his head on Jade's shoulder]
Jade: [hugs Peony close throughout the entire ride] [loves his best friend like woah]
Peony: [cuddles up close because it's cold in the dress]
Jade: [takes off his jacket and throws it on Peony] [actually acting human]
Peony: [makes a happy sound in his sleep]
Jade: [smiles] [stays up for the ride just in case someone comes down]
Peony: [murmurs half asleep] We there yet?
Jade: Almost. Are you okay?
Peony: [nods and yawns] I just want to be home.
Jade: Me too. I even miss Saphir a little.
Peony: Same here. I miss making fun of his runny nose.
Jade: We'll have to work extra hard on it when we get home, then.
Peony: Yeah. [grins and stretches] [shivers and pulls Jade's jacket tighter around him] I don't get how girls can wear these and not be cold.
Jade: Usually they wear underdresses to help. [cuddles more into him]
Peony: Oh. [pauses] Jade? How come you know so much about dresses? [is totally forgetting the obvious]
Jade: When Nephry was smaller, I had to dress her a lot.
Peony: You're a really good big brother and a best friend.
Jade: [blush]
Peony: I mean it. [grins]
Jade: Thank you. You're a great best friend too. [blush reddens more] And... I'm glad you're going to marry Nephry.
Peony: When I do that'll make you my big brother, too!
Jade: [biiiig smile] Will we all live in Grand Chokmah together?
Peony: Yeah! We can live there and visit Keterburg whenever we want to play in the snow!
Jade: Yeah! [griiiiiinnnnnnnnnn!!!]
Peony: It'll be the best!
Jade: I'm glad we grow up and stay best friends.
Peony: Me too! And if someone had said we don't, well then we'd just have to do our best to make it happen anyway!
Jade: Nobody else can decide that, okay? Whether or not we stay friends.
Peony: [nods] I won't let anyone decide for us!
Jade: [hears footsteps] shh!
Peony: [closes his mouth and makes a motion like he's zipping his lips]
Jade: [pushes him towards the side]
Peony: [wonders why, but just pulls the jacket tighter around him, hiding his face behind it, and peeking out over the top]
Jade: [really low whisper into Peony's ear] I think someone heard us before.
Peony: [really low whisper] uh-oh
Jade: [watches as a flashlight combs through the area] [same volume as before] Move when I say.
Peony: [nods and quietly puts the jacket on properly instead of wearing it like a blanket]
Jade: [waiiiiiiiiits] [lightly pushes Peony with a nod]
Peony: [moves quietly as he can and ducks behind the nearest crate]
Jade: [covers him jic]
Peony: [bites his lip, waiting for the next cue from Jade]
Jade: [another light push to the next crate]
Peony: [moves, but sees the flashlight shine to the left of the crate they're moving to] [panics and freezes in place]
Jade: [pushes him] It's okay. You can make it. [whisperrr]
Peony: [nods and makes it over to the next crate]
Jade: [tries to scramble over because he doesn't want to leave Peony alone] [CAUGHT IN THE HEADLIGHTS. LITERALLY.]
Peony: [looks over at Jade, very worried that they're going to take him away]
Jade: [doesn't look over at him out of fear that they'll find him too]
Peony: [crosses his fingers]
Jade: [and... whoever was there grabs him by the arm]
Peony: [tries not to make any noise]
Jade: [struggling] NNNNNNNGGHHH. OW.
Peony: [whimpers at the sounds of his best friend being hurt]
Jade: [WANTS TO KILL THEM ALL 8U] [but goes along with them so there's no more trouble]
Peony: [waits for the receding footsteps to go silent then slowly sneaks his way up the stairs and ducks behind a crate that is up on the deck]
Jade: [has complete faith in his best friend B<]
Peony: [is looking around for the way off the boat when he feels a tap on his shoulder]
Scruffy man's voice: I found the girl. [picks Peony up and slings him over his shoulder]
Peony: [kicking and screaming] Put me down!
Jade: [....FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] [EPIC FACEPALM] You were supposed to stay hidden!
Peony: I was trying to get off before I got caught!
Jade: Now look at what you did!
Peony: I'm sorry!
Jade: Now they're gonna bring us to the captain, and he's gonna shove us into the brig.
Peony: Maybe they'll let us go if we just tell the truth!
Jade: Adults don't care if we tell the truth or not. They'll punish us all the same.
Peony: Sorry I messed everything up.
Jade: It's okay. I'll just ki-
Random Crewmate: [GLARE]
Peony: [feels awful for messing everything up]
Jade: [holds Peony's hand] it's okay.
Peony: [squeezes back]
Jade: [glares back at the crew]
Crewmates: [B|] [grab them both roughly and bring them to the bridge]
Peony: Ow!
Jade: Stop hurting him!
Peony: It's okay. I'm fine!
Jade: [glares at Peony too] Say something to them!!!
Peony: What? What should I say? [might be a little scared]
Jade: Tell them your dad will do something!
Peony: Yeah! My dad will do something if you don't let us go!
Crew: ...Who?
Peony: My dad's the emperor!
Crew: [epic pause] ... [whispering amongst themselves] [something about the emperor having an affair, no kids, and being gay with the colonel]
Peony: [looks to Jade] What are they talking about?
Jade: [shrug]
Peony: Hey! Listen to me, you have to let us go, or my dad's going to be very mad!
Crew: ...You're a liar. The emperor has no children.
Peony: I'm not a liar!
Random Crew 1: You can be arrested for that. Impersonating royalty.
Peony: I'm not impersonating royalty!
Jade: He's not! YOU can be put to death for treating royalty like this!
Peony: [crosses his arms] You tell them, Jade!
Random Crew 1: We'd know if the emperor had a daughter.
Peony: [blushes and whispers] I forgot about that, Jade. What do we do.
Jade: [whispers back] We have to tell them you're a boy.
Peony: [to the crew members] Of course he doesn't have a daughter. I'm a boy!
Crew: .........................[RAUCOUS LAUGHTER]
Peony: It's true! This is just a disguise!
Crew: He doesn't have a son, either.
Peony: He does too! I'm his son Peony!
Random Crew 1: ...Okay. Now we know you're lyin'. Throw 'em both away until we dock at Keterburg.
Peony: Why won't they believe me?
Jade: I don't know. [grabs Peony's wrist in case the crew decides to get rough again]
Peony: I don't like this, I just want to get home and see Nephry and Mr Snorkles.
random Crew 1: [grabs them both around their middles and carries them off]
Peony: [trying to remain calm]
Jade: [trying not to fry them all] [and even then only because he might hurt Peony] We'll figure something out. Don't wo-OOF. [thrown into a room]
Peony: [lands half on top of Jade] Watch it you big oafs!
Jade: Idiots. [glares at them as they shut the door]
Peony: [clings to Jade] Why wouldn't they believe me?
Jade: I don't know. [places an arm around Peony]
Peony: Did they somehow forget about me because I've been living in Keterburg?
Jade: It would make sense for them to keep you a secret, in case of an assassination.
Peony: Maybe... I think telling them is gonna get us in even more trouble!
Jade: Your father can swear them to secrecy if anything. We're lucky they're soldiers and not civilians.
Peony: [nods and tries to relax] How much further to Keterburg?
Jade: I don't know. They'll make an announcement when they're close.
Peony: Okay.
Jade: We have to figure out a way to get free before then.
Peony: [gets up and checks the door] It's locked. And I don't see any other way out.
Jade: We'll have to break out, then.
Peony: [holds a finger to his lips and looks around for anything to break the door down with] Hmmm can any of your fonic artes get us out of here? I'm not seeing anything that'll work to break down the door.
Jade: Yes, but it may set off alarms. We'd have to get the guards to open the door for us.
Peony: How are we gonna do that?
Jade: Hmmm. [trots over to Peony and whispers A PLAN into his ear] I'm going to pretend to be sick, you yell and scream so the guards open up the door, okay?
Peony: [nods enthusiastically] Okay!
Jade: You're a good actor, Peony. You can do it!
Peony: [grins] I'll do my best! Ready?
Jade: Okay! [smiles back before laying down on the ground] [plays dead]
Peony: [screaming and crying, forcing fake tears] No! NO! HELP! He's dying! Help!!!!
Jade: It hurts....
Peony: [sobs loudly and starts pounding at the door] HELP! YOU GOTTA HELP!!!
Guards: Shut up!
Peony: [weeping] But he's dying! he's seriously ill. He needs help!
Guard: He was fine just a minute ago.
Peony: [pounding and crying] But he's not okay. He needs help. Don't let him die.
Jade: [whisper] say it was a rat. [louder] Oowwwwww
Peony: A rat bit him!
Guard: [opens the door] FINE.
Peony: [wipes at his eyes and stands there waiting for the guard to get closer to Jade] [sniffles] Y-you gotta help him.
Jade: [holds off on casting any artes]
Guard: [starts examining him]
Peony: [shuffles a half step closer to the door while sniffling to mask the sound]
Jade: [moves his fingers in a go forward motion]
Peony: [darts out the door and starts looking for the way back to the deck]
Jade: [ZZZZAAAPPPP] [Follows after Peony]
Peony: [holds out his hand for Jade]
Jade: [takes it] We should hide. They'll find out we're gone pretty soon.
Peony: Yeah... but where should we hide?
Jade: [pulls Peony to a stop]
Peony: [stops and squeezes Jade's hand] Why are we stopping?
Jade: We need to think. [looks around] We can crawl into that vent. We're small enough to fit.
Peony: [looks at it and how dark it is] A-after you...
Jade: I won't let anything happen to you. Don't worry. [starts climbing up]
Peony: I know. [waits for Jade to get up high enough before climbing after]
Jade: [slips inside] Hurry up. Once we get in, we have to keep moving so the can't find us.
Peony: [climbs in and shuts the vent behind them] Okay. won't they hear us if we keep moving though?
Jade: We'll have to move slowly. And only move when there's nobody around. [points to some grates] we can look through those. But be careful.
Peony: [nods] How much further to Keterburg?
Jade: We should be there in a couple of hours.
Peony: We gotta stay up here for a couple hours?
Jade: [nods]
Peony: [pouts, but knows this is better than whatever awaited them being stuck in that room]
Jade: It's only a little while. You won't even notice.
Peony: okay...
Jade: [shifts so Peony's not too cramped] Is that better?
Peony: Yeah. [smiles a little]
Jade: Okay. Let's start moving then. [points in the direction of where they just came] It's dangerous to go that way, but they won't expect it. They probably think we're headed for the deck.
Peony: [nods and starts slowly moving in that direction] This is probably the best secret agents we've ever been.
Jade: [because it's actually life or death, Peony.] Yeah.
Peony: [knows that, stfu] We'll have to tell Nephry and Saphir all about this!
Jade: All right! [little kid smile]
Peony: They probably won't believe us, but that's even more reason to tell them! [laughs]
Jade: They'll believe us. Saphir will at least
Peony: Saphir will believe anything except for if you tell him his nose is runny.
Jade: [little giggle] But it's always true!
Peony: Yeah, it is! [little laugh then puts his hand over his mouth] [whispers] I think I heard voices coming from this way
Jade: [immediately pushes Peony against the vent wall to protect him] Shhh.
Peony: [nods and stays as quiet as he can]
Jade: [doesn't move] [has that scary look in his eyes]
Peony: [doesn't usually like when Jade gets that look in his eyes, but doesn't mind so much this time]
Jade: [is an awesome guard dog] [watches them run past] Okay. It's safe now.
Peony: [lets out a relieved sigh] Good.
Jade: We should hurry to someplace safer. [starts moving again]
Peony: [follows after him] Yeah... they're probably about to notice we're gone...
Jade: With the way they ran, they probably already did.
Peony: Oh...
Jade: But we just fooled them! So it's okay!
Peony: yeah! They're all too fat to get in here after us.
Jade: Just like you. [pokes his tummy]
Peony: I'm not fat! Why do you always say that?
Jade: [giggle]
Peony: [pouts] It's not funny!
Jade: Yes it is. You make a face like this. [silly face]
Peony: [giggles at Jade's face] I do not.
Jade: [another face]
Peony: Stop it! Or I'm gonna laugh so hard they find us!
Jade: If they find us, I'll just set them all on fire.
Peony: We shouldn't kill them unless we have to!
Jade: .....Fine.
Peony: Thank you. [hugs Jade]
Jade: [hugs back]
Peony: Now let's find somewhere to hide.
Jade: [thinks that Peony will make a good leader when he grows up :<] All right. It looks like there's a bend over there. We can hide there for a little bit.
Peony: [awww thanks. <3] [nods] I'll be quiet while we wait.
Jade: Okay
Peony: [makes it around the bend and sits down quietly to wait]
Jade: [makes one final glance through a grate to make sure nobody's tracking them] [hurries next to Peony and sits with his knees to his chest]
Peony: [leans against Jade] [whispers] You didn't kill your kidnapper did you?
Jade: No. I was going to dissect him, but it was running late. So I just tied him to a bed.
Peony: [is glad it was running late, but doesn't say so] That should keep him from chasing after you
Jade: Yes. [snuggles close to Peony] I knocked him out in a fight, too. I think I'm becoming more proficient.
Peony: That's good. Was he old?
Jade: He was around twenty.
Peony: Sounds like a pervert if you ask me.
Jade: I think so. He said he wouldn't touch Nephry, but when I asked if he was going to do something to me, he got nervous.
Peony: Ewwwwwww. But he didn't touch you did he?
Jade: No. I knocked him out before he could.
Peony: If he catches up to us and tries to touch you, you have my permission to kill him.
Jade: Okay. But I don't think he'll catch up to us.
Peony: I hope not!
Jade: It's okay. Because you gave me permission to kill him.
Peony: Only because he's a pervert and will probably try to touch other boys.
Jade: [nods] He deserves to be punished.
Peony: [nods]
Jade: [starts straightening up Peony's dress] You're so messy.
Peony: We're climbing around in vents, of course I'm messy.
Jade: I'm not messy.
Peony: Well... your clothes don't move around as much as the dress does.
Jade: Is it comfortable?
Peony: It's okay... I don't want to wear it ever again though. I like pants better. They're warmer.
Jade: Oh right. [reaches into his pack] I forgot I still had these. [passes Peony's pants back]
Peony: I can't put them on in here, I'll make too much noise.
Jade: Fine. [takes them back]
Peony: [frowns]
Jade: What?
Peony: Why'd you take them away?
Jade: I have to hold them in my bag. You'd lose them otherwise.
Peony: Fine.
Jade: Are you angry?
Peony: Why would I be mad?
Jade: [doesn't understand human emotions] I don't know.
Peony: I'm not mad. I'm just cold!
Jade: [hugs Peony] Is that better?
Peony: A little.
Jade: Okay.
Peony: Thanks, Jade.
Jade: [blink] It's what friends do, right?
Peony: [nods, grinning big]
Jade: And you'd cry otherwise.
Peony: I would not.
Jade: Yes you would.
Peony: I'm not a crybaby!
Jade: I didn't say you were. ..........Crybaby.
Peony: You were thinking it.
Jade: You don't cry as much as Saphir.
Peony: No one cries as much as Saphir.
Jade: [actually kind of misses him]
Peony: [does too]
Jade: ...I want to go home already.
Peony: So do I. [hugs Jade because he knows his friend would never ask for it]
Jade: [itty bitty smile] [hugs Peony back] At least they haven't found us yet.
Peony: Yeah, I hope we can make it all the way home without them finding us again.
Jade: They probably won't let anyone or anything off until they find us. So when we dock, we may have to steal a boat. Or swim to shore.
Peony: We'll get sick if we have to swim! You remember when we fell in last year?
Jade: Yes. But would you rather they take you back to Grand Chokmah?
Peony: No.
Jade: See?
Peony: If I get sick, you have to help me get better.
Jade: Okay. I'll make you soup.
Peony: [grins]
Jade: And Nephry will deliver it.
Peony: [blushes a little] [doesn't realize that a few months from now he'll be in the girls are icky stage] She will?
Jade: [so can't wait for that] She'd want you to feel better, too.
Peony: Yeah! Maybe being sick again won't be so bad.
Jade: Don't get sick on purpose.
Peony: I won't! I don't want to have a runny nose like Saphir. I'm just saying it won't be so bad if I do get sick.
Jade: You'd do anything to get closer to Nephry though.
Peony: I would not.
Jade: You jumped off a roof once!
Peony: [giggles] That was to get Saphir out of our hair for a bit!
Jade: Really?
Peony: Remember he wouldn't jump? So we had to go get a ladder for him, only we didn't get it right away.
Jade: [nodnod]
Peony: [grins]
Jade: We should have left him up there.
Peony: I think he would have got down eventually if we had.
Jade: He'd be too scared.
Peony: But someone from town woulda let him down.
Jade: Not if he froze to death first.
Peony: True... but he doesn't deserve to die.
Jade: He's annoying.
Peony: I know he is. But that's no reason to kill him.
Jade: He's weak, too.
Peony: He can't even lift Nephry up like we can.
Jade: See? We'd do everyone a favor if we killed him.
Peony: Let him die on his own.
Jade: All right.
Peony: [lays down and puts his head on Jade's lap] [yawns] I don't know why I'm so sleepy today.
Jade: We've been doing a lot of running around and sneaking. But don't fall asleep yet-- we're almost there.
Peony: I won't fall asleep.
Jade: You always say that. [plays with his hair]
Peony: I always mean it.
Jade: You still fall asleep. [takes out the hair tie]
Peony: So?
Jade: So you still fall asl-[everything suddenly shudders]
Peony: [eyes wide] What was that?
Jade: We're probably getting ready to dock. Get up. We have to move.
Peony: [sits up and shifts so he's on his hands and knees to crawl again] Which way?
Jade: We need to go up. So. We'll go forward first.
Peony: [nods and starts ahead of Jade, too eager to get out to bother with being scared right now] Let me know when I need to turn.
Jade: Okay. Just tell me when you reach a fork or something.
Peony: Okay.
Jade: [getting nervous] Why haven't they come to look for us yet?
Peony: Because they're too fat to fit in here!
Jade: But they didn't even try.
Peony: Well, maybe they figured since we were at sea, we couldn't get too far? [starts worrying] What if they're waiting for us to get out of the vents?
Jade: That could be it. We're going to have to get out a different way.
Peony: What way is that?
Jade: ...I don't know.
Peony: Well think fast!
Jade: ...Engine room. We can work our way to the lifeboats from there.
Peony: Which way is that?
Jade: Feel the air for where it's hottest.
Peony: [pauses for a minute while he tries to figure it out] I think it's that way. [points to the left]
Jade: All right. Let's go.
Peony: [starts down that way] [as they get closer stars sweating] It's really really hot this way, Jade.
Jade: Try to find a grate to push out. If we go too much further, we may be in trouble.
Peony: Okay. [doesn't like the idea of burning alive] [finds a grate about 3 meters ahead] There we go!
Jade: [starts pushing on it]
Peony: [helps push] Gah! It's closed really tight.
Jade: ....stand back. I'm going to use fonic artes.
Peony: [scoots back and hides behind Jade] Okay.
Jade: [places his palms against the grate] [ZAPS it off]
Peony: That's so cool. Now let's go. Is it safe down there?
Jade: I'll go first and make sure. Will you be all right here by yourself?
Peony: If you don't take too long...
Jade: I won't. [hugs him quickly] I promise
Peony: [hugs tight] I'll be fine. [crosses fingers as he says it]
Jade: [pretends not to notice] I'll be back really quick! [pulls away and drops down to the ground]
Peony: [peeks out the hole, trying to keep his eye on Jade] [feels something brush against his leg, scrambles away from it (its the dress, mind you) and falls out of the vent] Ow
Jade: [HEARS] .... [FACEPALM]
Peony: [stands up and brushes self off] I'm fine...
Jade: You're a bad secret agent.
Peony: I'm sorry! [frowns]
Jade: Come on. Just stay behind me.
Peony: [sticks close by Jade]
Jade: [tries not to get sidetracked by all the fontech] [spies a couple of workers] Stay low.
Peony: [keeps to the shadows and behind Jade]
Jade: This is easy. They're only crewmates. Not guards. Come on. [leads him through to the door with little to no difficulty]
Peony: [slips quietly out the door] [is better at this kind of secret aggenting than anything that involves the dark]
Jade: [and for conveniences sake we'll say the ladder to the deck is right thar] [gets to climbling]
Peony: [climbs up behind him]
Jade: [opens the hatch slowly] [BOAAAAAT] Okay. It's small, so we can take it with no problem. And it looks like they're all focused on the other side.
Peony: Let's hurry up and get out of here!
Jade: [opens the hatch all the way and hops into the boat] You have to take the other side!
Peony: Okay. [quietly closes the hatch and hops into the boat] Okay. [can see Keterburg in the distance] We're so close!
Jade: Slowly, okay? [starts lowering his side]
Peony: [nods and starts lowering his side at the same pace as Jade] By the time they notice, it'll be too late.
Jade: .........
Peony: FASTER!!!
Peony: [is lowering it faster, too]
Jade: [watches an arc of electricity flash by] They have fonists on board!
Peony: Oh no! [little hands working as fast as they can to lower the boat]
Jade: When we hit the bottom, you'll have to row so I can defend us.
Peony: Okay! Whatever it takes. I just want to be home.
Jade: We'll be there soon! [touches water on his side]
Peony: [touches water a few seconds after] [scrambles for the oars] Ready?
Jade: Yes! [throws up a Guardian arte just as they're about to get hit]
Peony: [starts rowing as best he can to get them away] You can do it, Jade!
Jade: They're using weak spells, so they don't want to kill us. But keep on going fast just in case. [shoots a fireball]
Peony: Okay. [doesn't really pay too much attention to where on the shore they're headed] [can make it to Keterburg after they get away from the ship's crew]
Jade: [just barely manages to deflect a Thunder Blade arte] Hurry!!!
Peony: I'm going as quick as I can [finally gets out of the ship's range]
Jade: [stays on guard for a little while, until he's satisfied] [sits back down and grabs the other set of oars] [HELPS ROW LIKE THE FUCKING WIND]
Peony: That was kind of cool. Scary, but cool.
Jade: Yeah. [smile] And we're almost home!
Peony: Yeah! Nephry will be so happy to see us.
Jade: I hope she's okay
Peony: I'm sure she is!
Jade: [nod]
Peony: [reaching the shore] We're here! [looks and sees Keterburg is quite a hike away] Sort of...
Jade: [hops out and helps pull the boat ashore] Hurry. We'll hide in the forest over there so you can change back, and then we'll walk.
Peony: I can change right here. [hops out of the boat and holds out his hand for the pants]
Jade: [rummages through his pack for them and hands the pants over] Hurry!
Peony: [pulls the pants on under the dress then takes Jade's hand and starts running toward Keterburg] I'm hurrying!
Jade: [FFFFFFF] [tries to keep up]
Peony: [slows down just a little for Jade] You always run so slow.
Jade: I don't run slow. You run too fast!
Peony: And you call me fat. [sticks out tongue]
Jade: You are.
Peony: If I'm fat, how can I run faster than you?
Jade: More fuel for your body to use up.
Peony: Hmph!
Jade: [I WIN 8D]
Peony: Come on!
Jade: [runs as fast as he can] Remember! There are monsters in there!
Peony: I know!
Jade: So we have to get back before nightfall.
Peony: We can make it!
Jade: [turns around] They're sending boats.
Peony: [tugs Jade's arm] Stop looking back at them. We gotta keep running. They're too fat to catch up to us.
Jade: ...Right. Come on. You're fat too, so you'll slow us down.
Peony: You're the one slowing us down.
Jade: Shut up and go!
Peony: I'm going, I'm going!
Jade: [pushes hard to keep up with him]
Peony: [tries to keep the pace just right so Jade doesn't get too far behind]
Jade: Just go! I'll keep up.
Peony: [gives worried look] [does not like the idea of leaving Jade behind] I'm not letting them catch you!
Jade: GO.
Peony: But...
Jade: [pushes him] I'm not going to fall too far behind.
Peony: You better not!
Jade: I don't lie to you
Peony: I know that! [gives one last worried look before running as fast as he can]
Jade: [falls a little behind but mostly keeps up] [just wants to be sure that Peony's safe]
Peony: [looks over his shoulder periodically, but doesn't slow down]
Jade: We should... be hitting... the forest soon!
Peony: I know! [slows just outside the forest to wait for Jade]
Jade: [finally catches up] [v. winded[ [is a nerd 8<]
Peony: You okay?
Jade: Yeah.
Peony: [takes Jade's hand again] Keterburg's on the other side of the forest, right?
Jade: [nods and points] Mt. Roneal is over there. So we'd be coming in through the back.
Peony: [squeezes Jade's hand] We should zig zag a little so that if they follow us into the woods, they'll lose track of us.
Jade: [squeezes back] Okay. But we have to count our paces so we know.
Peony: [nods] Yeah, we don't want to get lost now!
Jade: [holds Peony's hand tighter] Ready?
Peony: Yeah!
Jade: [starts walking carefully, listening for anyone or anything approaching]
Peony: [walks as close as he can to Jade]
Jade: Don't be scared. They'll know.
Peony: I won't be!
Jade: [pulls him closer] [march]
Peony: I'm not scared cause I have you.
Jade: [smiles] that's right! And I'll protect you no matter what, Peony!
Peony: I know you will!
Jade: [cute little kid grin]
Peony: [even cuter little kid grin]
Jade: [keeps on pulling] Seventy eight... seventy nine...
Peony: [keeps quiet so Jade can count]
Jade: At one hundred, we'll turn another way, okay?
Peony: [nods] That'll be an easy number to remember!
Jade: Exactly! [walks up to step one hundred] Okay. Now that way. [points them in another direction]
Peony: [continues like this until they get out of the woods] Jaaaaade, I'm hungry.
Jade: We'll eat when we get home.
Peony: I know but... [loud tummy rumble] [sheepish grin]
Jade: Here. [pulls out Peony's favorite candy from his bag]
Peony: [eyes light up] You brought some with you?
Jade: Yeah! They had some in a store at Sheridan, so I snagged it before the keeper could notice.
Peony: [ignores that] [reaches for the candy]
Jade: [gives him the whole thing]
Peony: [munches on the candy as they walk]
Jade: [point] Look! I can see lights!
Peony: [looks] Yay! [jumps up and down to see better]
Jade: [starts running]
Peony: [runs after him, quickly catching up as he grips the bag of candy closed]