Alrighty guys, if it's okay, I really am needing some information about what I'm doing with this RPG. After stepping down as admin and talking a few things over, there has been very little in the way of talk as to What's Next, aside from me. Or, well, let me rephrase that-- there's been very little talk about who's doing what and when. What I need to know is this: Who, exactly, is in 'charge' of the RPG? I have to update the admin contact list. o.o Also, Rules and guildlines. Is anyone writing up a new set? Will they be posted on the forums? Furthermore, the forums themselves; who is going to make the new forums, since I was told we are no longer to be hosted on Runegate? As I told Sapphy and LCM both, I'm writing most of- if not all- of the informative information pertinent to a new member of the RPG. Some of this revolves around certain executive decisions, however... like a current list of rules. I don't see anything really wrong with what we have now, but my take on the RPG was a leniant one. What's allowed, what's not? I know I'm supposed to be 'hands off' at this point, but I don't want to jump ship and have... nothing happen. I'd love for this to work-- that's why I'm prepared to do all the footwork for EVERYONE just as long as everyone tells me what they want done. XD
'Cause right now I'm at a loss, and I haven't heard anything from anyone. Should we schedule another chat?
Needing help, guys.