[ Application Post ]

Nov 12, 2020 02:07

Name: Kodachi "Kody" Hayataka
Age: 17
Gender: Female.
Profession: Team Sol Field Agent

Notable Possessions: Pokedex and a keycard (or whatever allows access to the Team Sol base.) She also has a charm shaped like something akin to Lugia's wings around her neck, but mostly keeps it hidden.
Badges Collected: Since she's an older trainer and has been doing this for a while, she managed to collect all 8 badges. However, she lost early in the tournament due to a technicality, but she keeps them when she goes undercover.
Favourite Pokemon: Kody loves bird-type Pokemon. If it has wings, she finds beauty in it.

Appearance: A fair skinned girl with piercing emerald eyes and mid-back dark purple hair which is tucked away or tied back in various different styles depending on what outfit she's wearing, though if she's wearing her black Team Sol uniform it's tied up and out of the way. She may not appear intimidating at first, but her voice is commanding and strong, and she definitely has an athletic stature to match.

Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, loud, relatively "in your face", Kody's loud and brash personality makes her stand out despite her shorter stature of five and a half feet. She relies on a strong offense, and is known to shoot now and ask questions later. Her short fuse only ignited by her impatience and temper, Kody seems very difficult to get close to: but has intentionally put up that wall for reasons only she knows. Joining up with Team Sol has allowed her to push her Pokemon more, even joining in training with them. While she seems mean and heartless to her Pokemon, she really does care for them: and they are the only ones at the moment she trusts.

Hometown: Magnolia City, born and raised.
History: Kody lived a relatively normal life, born in Magnolia city as the second child to a relatively successful couple consisting of a doctor and a scientist. Her older brother, Kouichi, was always better at everything, and constantly won their parents approval. Especially when he was old enough to go into Pokemon Tech, and her parents constantly compared him to her, saying she should do the same.

Kody had other plans in mind. She wanted to be a trainer. She wanted to be world champion one day.

Her parents disapproved of this, stating that being a trainer was hard work, and wasn't even very secure. This escalated into a lot of 'why couldn't you be more like your brother' arguments before Kody's parents finally just shipped her off to Pokemon Tech. Her only saving grace was another classmate she became friends with, but after a miscommunication she dropped out of school and ran away.

She went out on her own, collecting badges and Pokemon. She was rather hard on her team, but it was because she wanted to win. For once, she wanted to prove that she was the best. She was a bit of a loner, relying mostly on her team and nobody else. It eventually paid off, and she won enough badges to be considered for the tournament. All her hard work was finally paying off.

It was, until she got to her second match. A young bratty trainer took advantage of her team's weaknesses and beat them mercilessly. There was no strategy involved, and Kody's team couldn't stand a chance. Even though she fought and pushed her team as hard as possible, she lost. Enraged, she stormed out of the stadium, and away from the harsh commentators, who sounded like echoing projections of her parents.

Kody was at a loss: she didn't know where to go anymore. She couldn't return home, because then her parents would've been right. She didn't want to go back to school: she hated it there and it seemed so irrelevant to what Pokemon training was all about.

It was sheer luck that a Sol recruiter was watching the fight, and saw her potential. He offered her a purpose in life, and since she really didn't know much about Team Sol, she agreed, and was brought into the ranks. Her potential was definitely there: she proved to be a rather valuable asset to the team, and since they coincided with one of her life goals (she always wanted to catch a glimpse of the legendary birds, even selfishly own one) she agreed to help track them down, giving up most of her Pokemon team to Team Sol to prove her loyalty.

Extra: She's rather skilled at beating people up and isn't afraid to get into a fight. (Agents really don't have to fight fair all the time.) She's also a rather convincing actress, able to take on whatever role is required of her.

reference post, ooc

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