[ Pokemon Team ]

Nov 10, 2020 02:00

Pokemon: Spearow
Gender: Male
Ability: Keen Eye: Opponent cannot lower this Pokémon’s accuracy.
Short Bio: Kody's first Pokemon, and one of her strongest. He's rather grumpy and at times outright aggressive: in the beginning, he refused to listen to Kody at all, but overtime their attitudes overlapped enough so they could understand each other and work together. He usually travels on Kody's shoulder, hating the confinement of his Pokeball.
Moveset: Aerial Ace, Pursuit, Agility, Drill Peck

Pokemon: Combusken
Gender: Male
Ability: Blaze
Short Bio: Torchic is a bit of an idiot at times. He tends to get easily distracted by everything, and is rather hard to get focused. Because of this, Kody tends to be the most abusive toward him in trying to get him to train and get stronger, but he doesn't seem to understand yet.
Moveset: Peck, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Sand Attack

Pokemon: Pidgeot
Gender: Female
Ability: Keen Eye: Opponent cannot lower this Pokémon’s accuracy.
Tangled Feet: Pokémon’s evasion raises one level when Confused.
Short Bio:
Moveset: Quick Attack, Twister, Agility, Fly [HM]

Pokemon: Shiftry
Gender: Male
Ability: Chlorophyll: When sunny, the Pokémon’s Speed doubles. However, Speed will not double on the turn weather becomes Clear Skies.
Early Bird: SLEEP conditions lasts for half as long, rounding down. For example, half of three turns is 1.5, which rounds down to one turn. When the number of turns to sleep is one, half of this rounded down is zero, and the Pokémon wakes up instantly.
Short Bio:
Moveset: Razor Leaf, Pound, Faint Attack, Sunny Day [TM]

Pokemon: Altaria
Gender: Female
Ability: Natural Cure
Short Bio: Captured and raised from the wild as a Swablu, Altaria became a bit more reserved when she evolved, but she still enjoys flying free. She loves sunny days, and can be seen from time to time trying to chase after clouds.
Moveset: Dragonbreath, Perish Song, Sky Attack, Flamethrower [TM]

Pokemon: Glaceon
Gender: Female
Ability: Snow Cloak
Short Bio: Stolen as an Eevee, Kody forced it to evolve into a Glaceon to counteract some of the weaknesses Flying types have. She's grown accustomed to her new life, but isn't very accepting of it, and Kody still has to try to prove to her more that she's a trainer worth listening to. She does have a soft spot for Torchic, though.
Moveset: Ice Fang, Bite, Hail, Blizzard

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