Yes i know. I have a lot of content racing around in my head that i keep meaning to publish, but i log on the computer and that leeeeetle icon for Warcraft sits innocently in the corner of the screen, watching me, and...well you get the idea.
I was just planning on typing up some book reviews, actually. so check that out soon.
ps: also, very, very, very, very little of interest happens in my life these days and i know you get sick of me trying to make the innane seem more deep and profound than it actually is.
so very, very little of interest happens in my life that i need to fill up time by reading the uninteresting things that happen to other people. Book reviews sound fun though.
Comments 8
I was just planning on typing up some book reviews, actually. so check that out soon.
PS: Has Mike decided where to go to school yet?
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