Catalina Pires, в коментах к видеороликам её уже величают Богиней гитары (#goddess of the guitar). В принципе своими талантами #барышня подбирается к
Чаро и
Каталина родилась 16 декабря 2003 года. Начав заниматься
гитарой не так рано как выдающиеся гитаристы (а они начинали в 4-5 летнем возрасте). Тем не менее, в 6 лет получив свои первые уроки игры на скрипке, барышня быстро явила свой талант. Вскоре освоила и другие инструменты. В первую очередь гитару, и уже в 8-летнем возрасте неплохо играла на
vihuela. Сейчас и во
фламенко пробует свои силы, причем весьма успешно исполняет композицию Пако де Лусии.
/ Catalina Pires, born on Dec 16, 2003, presented her outstanding talent very early. At the age of 6 years, she obtained her first violin lessons. It did not last long before she caused great attention with audience and critics. Due to her intuitive talent, she quickly began to replay the pieces that she learned on the violin /
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Catalina plays Danza del Altiplano.
Catalina Pires is an 8 years old high talented guitar and violin player;
She is playing Leo Brouwer´s Danza del Altiplano.
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2014. the 9 years old CATALINA PIRES plays Mozart on #violin K 207.
Catalina´s enormous talents are not restricted only as guitar virtuoso, but she is introducing herself as violin soloist into Mozart´s marvellous Violinkonzert in B-Major, K 207.
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the 9 years old CATALINA PIRES plays the famous Renaissance vihuela piece by Alonso Mudarra which is a parody to the blind harpist Ludovico from Sevilla, dated 1534
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Catalina Pires plays #Vihuela
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Catalina plays GRAND SONATA - A #Guitar Lesson with Walter Abt
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The first-prize awarded, high talented 11-years old CATALINA is playing this work in an innovative new Guitar- and Vihuela-Tuning (ABT-tuning: E-A-D-f#-b-d).
Previous versions have always demanded an extremely high level of technical ability on the part of the
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CATALINA plays Tombeau de Weiss
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CATALINA PIRES´ FIRST RECITAL at Gasteig Munich, Feb 13, 2016 - Debut-CD presentation YOUNG GENIUS
Catalina Pires, born on Dec 16, 2003, presented her outstanding talent very early. At the age of 6 years, she obtained her first violin lessons. It did not last long before she caused great attention with audience and critics. Due to her intuitive talent, she quickly began to replay the pieces that she learned on the violin
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Catalina Pires - Guajiras de Lucía (Paco de Lucía)