Oh hello. I usually don't complain about shit on here, but maybe that's because there's usually not much to complain about. Lately there's been a lot of work-related dumb shit, so let me fill you in:
Yeah, noir's great. You've still got a lot of stuff to look forward to. Here's a suggested list...not all of them are hardboiled detective stories, but the style and moods are generally considered to be noir:
- M (Fritz Lang) - Out Of The Past (Jacques Tourneur) - The Long Goodbye (Robert Altman) - Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder) - Body Heat (Lawrence Kasdan) - Rififi (Jules Dassin) - Detour (Edward G. Ulmer) - Point Blank (John Boorman) - The Last Seduction (John Dahl) - The Killing (Stanley Kubrick) - Touch Of Evil (Orson Welles) - Blood Simple (Coen Bros.) - House of Games (David Mamet) - L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson) - The Third Man (Carol Reed) - Breathless (Jean-Luc Godard) - Le Samourai (Jean-Pierre Melville) - Croupier (Mike Hodges)
If you have any questions, recomendations or other movies, just let me know.
I did see Brick at the Fleur last year, and liked it quite a bit. Joseph Gordon Levitt's been in some good movies....that one, The Lookout and Mysterious Skin especially come to mind.
I'm up for talking about noir or any other movie stuff! I should see the new Ang Lee movie, even though everyone says it's really boring. I thought the new Wes Anderson was just ok.
so i just finished seeing mysterious skin. i was not expecting it to be as good as it was. and i didn't even realize levitt was in it til i started watching.
then i wiki'd "film noir" and started seeing names of films i knew or films you mentioned. i think i seriously need to get up on this. i didn't even think the stuff i watched was really noir at all, but then i saw that there were many different subgenres? renting seems to be out of the question in my area. woe is me.
honestly, i'm happier when i'm busy at work. otherwise i'm just sitting and reading books, playing pokemon in the bathroom or sleeping somewhere for like 6 hours a day....wait, i guess i'm not happier when i'm busy.
recommendations? have you seen hayate no gotoku??? oh wait...noir, right?
Comments 10
- M (Fritz Lang)
- Out Of The Past (Jacques Tourneur)
- The Long Goodbye (Robert Altman)
- Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder)
- Body Heat (Lawrence Kasdan)
- Rififi (Jules Dassin)
- Detour (Edward G. Ulmer)
- Point Blank (John Boorman)
- The Last Seduction (John Dahl)
- The Killing (Stanley Kubrick)
- Touch Of Evil (Orson Welles)
- Blood Simple (Coen Bros.)
- House of Games (David Mamet)
- L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson)
- The Third Man (Carol Reed)
- Breathless (Jean-Luc Godard)
- Le Samourai (Jean-Pierre Melville)
- Croupier (Mike Hodges)
If you have any questions, recomendations or other movies, just let me know.
did you see Brick??
I'm up for talking about noir or any other movie stuff! I should see the new Ang Lee movie, even though everyone says it's really boring. I thought the new Wes Anderson was just ok.
then i wiki'd "film noir" and started seeing names of films i knew or films you mentioned. i think i seriously need to get up on this. i didn't even think the stuff i watched was really noir at all, but then i saw that there were many different subgenres?
renting seems to be out of the question in my area. woe is me.
recommendations? have you seen hayate no gotoku??? oh wait...noir, right?
Stop smoking, if that's even possible to do while living in Japan.
surfed on any desks lately?
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