People are stupid!!!

Mar 11, 2004 15:52

Okay, so I was at home last night filling out scholarship informoation when the phone rang. It was Steven, a guy that I'm not really friends with but is friends with my ex-best friend Karah who calls alot. He sounded really... strange. And he was hyper and didn't make sense at all. So after a minute I figured out he was drunk. Yeah. No one has ever ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

cobaltdance March 11 2004, 18:12:41 UTC
*laughs* Oh dear, Rachel... getting called by drunk Stevens and going to school when you shouldn't. Do I know who Steven is? Is he the gay one? Or is he the one that was in love with Karah? *sighs* I always get everone's names mixed up...


rarachie March 13 2004, 16:02:27 UTC
Steven is the one that's completely in love with Karah or whatever.


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